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Zeus x mesh problems

I dont have a mesh and probably wont get one, but for my knowledge, does that cut pattern in pic 1 mean that towards the top of where the cotton makes the bend from verticle to horizontal isnt actually in the juice well? Or is it long enough?
Yes it doesnt need any cotton in the juice well.
I've said it before juice wells are for juice not cotton.
Cotton just needs to lightly cover the top of the juice well of the X Mesh.
Im being dumb today, is that only for a .2 ohm resistance or any resistance?
With mesh it's usually lower than wire.
The mesh I'm using is 0.16.
I'd vape a 0.2 clapton build at around 3.7-3.8v but everyone is different.
Yes it doesnt need any cotton in the juice well.
I've said it before juice wells are for juice not cotton.
Cotton just needs to lightly cover the top of the juice well of the X Mesh.
K, ive been having a hard time getting the angle right on my intake so that the cotton damns the well evenly
If your wicking as the previous pictures, I must say thats too much cotton (I dont care who "told you" doing it that way :D)

try this:

Its the wicking method for the Wotofo Profile/s, and seems to work fine on many others.

Also, avoid using "pulse" modes, hard ramp ups, and similar shit that will put that little mesh strip at solar temperature.
Try plain VW mode, with soft profile (VW-S) if possible. I promise theres a difference ;)

i wick my zeus exactly he same way as @Vapaneezer Scrooge when i first got my zeus i was wicking like you do for the unity but all i kept getting was leaks know i get zero issues..
No i mean does 55 w always equal 2.9 volts?

Or only with a .2 ohm resistance
If i could answer with any conviction I'd probably have persisted with mechanical mods.
I'd have thought the resistance of the wire would affect it.

Ive got two Zeus tanks running the same build and one is on a VV mod at 2.9V and one is on a VW mod at 55W and both are hitting the same for me.
The reason i changed to wicking like the Unity was because when i tried the way @Vapaneezer Scrooge shows i got a gob full of juice on my first vape, which kind of pissed me off but since then i haven't had any issues wicking the Unity way although i don't push the cotton down into the juice well so maybe thats why, i just don't know lol.
K, ive been having a hard time getting the angle right on my intake so that the cotton damns the well evenly
I've not got the intake but looking at it I'd say the coil needs to be set low and close to the airflow and the cotton needs to tuck into the juice wells so only around 1-2mm is in there.
When you offer the cotton up to the juice wells make sure it's cut level with the opening or you'll have uneven cotton and uneven wicking.
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