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A little Rant on Nearly all regulated Devices and my vaping history


Jun 27, 2020
Hi all .
Im only just joined this site but not new to Vaping as i started around 10 years ago.
Starting off with a throwaway £5.99 jobby from the CooP , then a rechargeable version then after a couple of weeks one of the old fashioned pen shaped devices...then the biggie ....the Vamo tube mod with 18650s ! i think i had v1 v2 and v3 a pretty reliable device of its day then vaping become a bit of a hobby and obsession spending hours watching Scott bonners , Grimm greens, rip trippers ,as well as todds reviews on youtube then i went into making my own liquid which was fun but messy and i bought my first RDA i think it was called an Igo.
The Box mods come along a little while later from inokin , Smok, kangertech to name a few with the RDAs .
i havent got a clue how many vw regulated mods i bought and failed me within 6 to 9 months of using them.
I got so cheesed of after a couple of years i started using Mech mods usually clone tubes of of Ebay which most of which were pretty good and safe using ohms law good ampage batteries and never building to low.
I did try a few more regulated mods after getting fed up with the battery drain .
Once again i was paying the best part of £100 for something that didnt last as long as the life of your average efest !
i was so pissed off i went back to smoking for as year and a half as the fags worked out cheaper !
Then in 2018 i went into a vape shop and asked for the most reliable durable mod they had and walked out with a Geekvape legend .
Our relationship was a good one , i was so happy and contented with the brand i bought the Legends little bought the Geekvape Solo in August last year.
Unfortunately the Legend died on me in March so i went on Amazon and bought a Geekvape quonker .
In may i bought the Geek vape X , Damm what a display that mod had in the 2 weeks it worked.
That beast had to go back to Amazon.
Due to C19 my next mod was delayed a bit in the post , clone of the legend but made my wismek Reuleaux tinker 2 .
Meanwhile while im waiting for the postie to deliver my Tinker my Geekvape solo gives up on me!
The next day my tinker 2 arrives evan with readers on i found display hard to read but i was happy as long as it worked and it did for a Month ! !
DAMMM ! it was working well before i went to bed, the next morning the display is showing the watts go all the way to 100 without touching any buttons and it would not even fire !
I left the Batteries out for 2 days and didn't touch it when i finally put a couple of samsungs in the device no display at all.
Only my Geekvape sqonker is working so i went and bought a beast of a Mech mod with a matching Valhalla hat..... The stormbreaker or toebreaker as i call it if it was to land on your foot you wouldnt be playing 5 a side for a while !
With Valhalla the sitting on top and 3 x21700s inside its a whopping 942 grams.
Its the most expencive mod ive bought to date and i hope it will last.

None ive mods ive owned have been abused, dropped on concrete floors run over with a truck or left in water and sometime wonder the money i would of saved if stuck to the stinkies ,i know the heath benefits and i fill alot fitter since quitting fags.
But the cost of what ive spent on mods over the years is phenomenal ! !
i just wondered the longest you have owned and a regulated mod for ? using it on a regular basis before the dustman took it away.

Thanks for reading this Guys.
I know it shouldn't matter but are you chain vaping 0.16 ohm coils or something?.I have a pico that i have to slap now and again as the screw on battery cover has expanded or something,had that for a couple of years.
Hi @islandclouds and welcome to the Planet.

what a great intro. if only others took their time instead of hi, wheres the free shit.

sounds like you have seriously been unlucky with mods. out of around 50 i have only 2 have packed up on me in 5 years i guess through juice leak.
i bought both the legend and x in last few months and certainly are great mods. was a deal on yesterday i think for 30 notes from new vaping.

anyway welcome and enjoy.
I know it shouldn't matter but are you chain vaping 0.16 ohm coils or something?.I have a pico that i have to slap now and again as the screw on battery cover has expanded or something,had that for a couple of years.
Thanks for the response, on regulated mods i vape low at around 0.28 if its a duel . but not much under that not really a fan of mega low resistance ,
will google the pico.
Hi, welcome to the forum. Only been vaping since Feb, so my experience isn’t worth much, but the Smok Morph has been running everyday with no issues (lucky!). Got a Pico on the way from China, was about £20
Welcome to potv..

Fwiw All my evolv dna based devices from 5/6 years ago are all vaping strong on my DX200 atm with a hellvape destiny on top.

tho i think we may be on opposite ends of the 'luck with mods' curve.. i have killed 5x 2 from juice ingress 3 from stupidity (my own)

juice can be a mod killer and a tiny weep from an atty can take weeks to penetrate and erode something crucial or simply open the path a mm or 2 further for the next leak..

Now this is a case of do as i say not as i do as i have just looked up and spotted 4x devices set up for use that have stood idle for at least a few days..

But ... use atty stands and dont leave an atty on top of a mod overnight or between uses.. and get anal with the tissue cleaning the mod 510 hole looking for evidence of moisture or JUICE LEAK!/WEEP!

if found consider breaking down and cleaning with a solvent like isopropanol , if any evidence of erosion is spotted before the device fails use nail polish to paint over and reseal..

Squonk devices are Xtra prone to juice ingress but they are bloody great fun ;)

sorry went off on one myself a bit too whoops..

hang on in there ;)

fwiw my old devices spent a year or so in the drawer while i fell of the vape wagon myself so welcome back..

Keep an eye on the bargains listed in here - a vt-dna75 sqonker for 1/2 price at £35 was signposted recently and i snapped up one ;)
also might be worth checking out the giveaways on the forum but you may need to contribute a bit more first, but your off to a good start ;)
Hi @islandclouds and welcome to the Planet.

what a great intro. if only others took their time instead of hi, wheres the free shit.

sounds like you have seriously been unlucky with mods. out of around 50 i have only 2 have packed up on me in 5 years i guess through juice leak.
i bought both the legend and x in last few months and certainly are great mods. was a deal on yesterday i think for 30 notes from new vaping.

anyway welcome and enjoy.
Thanks for the reply
Hi @islandclouds and welcome to the Planet.

what a great intro. if only others took their time instead of hi, wheres the free shit.

sounds like you have seriously been unlucky with mods. out of around 50 i have only 2 have packed up on me in 5 years i guess through juice leak.
i bought both the legend and x in last few months and certainly are great mods. was a deal on yesterday i think for 30 notes from new vaping.

anyway welcome and enjoy.
Many thanks for the reply Mr DJ are people still using technic 1200s or is it all beatmatching using virtual DJ? Whoops wrong forum lol ...
Ive met alot of vapers over the years who have the same complaint with mods one of my local vape shops on the IOW only gives a 28 day guarantee !
weather im unlucky or you have been very lucky who knows?
Would love to hear from other peoples experiences with mod life.

I didnt know there was free stuff going lol the only free stuff im interested is advice and may giving it too if someone need it .
Thats what forums used to be about.
I have a couple of Eleaf Picos which are still going after several years.
Thanks for the reply

Many thanks for the reply Mr DJ are people still using technic 1200s or is it all beatmatching using virtual DJ? Whoops wrong forum lol ...
Ive met alot of vapers over the years who have the same complaint with mods one of my local vape shops on the IOW only gives a 28 day guarantee !
weather im unlucky or you have been very lucky who knows?
Would love to hear from other peoples experiences with mod life.

I didnt know there was free stuff going lol the only free stuff im interested is advice and may giving it too if someone need it .
Thats what forums used to be about.
1200s and 1210s have been resurected. they stopped making them a few years back and after so many complaints they started up the production line again. will always be the best turntable ever made. still got mine but not used any of my gear in years. one day ill get them out again when i find some space. vape took over every free bit of space in my room :D
VDJ i tred once and thought it was crap lol but certainly saves on wheight when carritng thousands of records and decks.

plenty of free compo's on here and a classified section but you need more posts before those sections are viewable.
Thats some bad luck with mods, only one I've ever had go tits up on me was a Snowwolf box, juice got into it and it wouldnt turn on after, still got it here as it was a decent mod so I keep it for ornamental value lol but overall I have probably had around 30-40 mods in my time vaping and thats the only problem I've ever had.

(and by saying that probably means half my collection will go down with some dodgy electronic version of covid19 now)
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