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Advice for a partially sighted vaper (part 2)

Blazing Atoms

Feb 9, 2023
Hi all, hope you are having a good day.

So yesterday it only took me from 8.30am until just gone 6pm. Used nearly all of my shoelaces (38 to be exact) and over 40mls of shortfills. Either kept flooding or would not wick properly.

But I got there in the end, although need to do it again ready for next bottle!!!!

So here come the questions if i may.

When will i know my clapton coils have reached changing time, on my Zeus tank it's just taste goes and Ii ditch the coil. I assume clapton coils are different in that it just means rewicking time not coil change

My next coils are Scott's 0.15 claptons. I will also be using Vapefly Firebolt cotton tails instead of the Hellvape shoelaces.

I know it's user preference a lot of the time , but can you suggest a vaping wattage range for those coils.

The reason being is I'm vaping at 80 watts on my current setup with Hellvape 0.37ohm in dual setup with my dead rabbit v3 RTA and Hellvape cotton. It's to hot for my liking but have to have it that high to taste anything.

I prefer 60-65w

Thank you.
Can't help you with the wattage stuff, as I am a namby pamby and rarely exceed 10w. But with regard to changing / rewicking coils....

A rewick is more frequent, to be sure, but coils do get to a stage where tthey are bollocksed too. Covered in crud and caremilised juice, burnt on, not unlike a burnt cooking pan.

You can glow and dip the coild to clean the crap off (glow the coil, no wick, dip in water - repeast 3 or 4 times). This works better than you might think. I generally find it easier to just build a new coil, but if you're eyesight is limited, this might be of help......?
Can't help you with the wattage stuff, as I am a namby pamby and rarely exceed 10w. But with regard to changing / rewicking coils....

A rewick is more frequent, to be sure, but coils do get to a stage where tthey are bollocksed too. Covered in crud and caremilised juice, burnt on, not unlike a burnt cooking pan.

You can glow and dip the coild to clean the crap off (glow the coil, no wick, dip in water - repeast 3 or 4 times). This works better than you might think. I generally find it easier to just build a new coil, but if you're eyesight is limited, this might be of help......?

Thank you. I have seen the dipping method, but unsure of blowing my mod up by dipping to deep! But will give it a go see if they look different before and after.
There doesn't appear to be recommended wattages given for Scott's coils but you could ask on his site, 2 months + is given for how long they should last.

For cleaning use a shallow dish of water and you should have no probs, any rebuildable coil can be cleaned that way though more complex ones will tend to gunk up more.
Thank you. I have seen the dipping method, but unsure of blowing my mod up by dipping to deep! But will give it a go see if they look different before and after.
For what it's worth, I used a desert spoon
I always take the coils out and hold them over the gas ring using my ceramic tweezers before quenching, N.B. I believe some alloys dont take well to glowing, but kanthal and nichrome 80 are ok.
As above said, cleaning wise just heat them up with our wick and then when there glowing dip then in some cold water. I personally use a soft tooth brush to give them a little brush before I hear them up and after I've cooled them down. As for wattage I would try from 55 and work my way up till you find what works for you. Like you say cotton and wattage is all down to personal preference. Scott's coils are pretty good and should last 2+ month's if looked after correctly.
That sounds a good idea, but wont they short out on the metal of the spoon?
Ha ha, you'd think so, but I never thought of it, and it's never caused me any problems.... yet.... it might be because I don't dip any further once it sizzles.
Ha ha, you'd think so, but I never thought of it, and it's never caused me any problems.... yet.... it might be because I don't dip any further once it sizzles.

So i found a ceramic spoon in the kitchen drawer, job done and managed not to kill myself in the process.

I used an entire bag of cotton again trying to rewick once cleaned. Kept flooding the deck. Different brand of cotton arrived this morning and got it right first pair out of the bag, Going to stock up on that!
Lined up the coils a bit better and all seems to be ok.

EDIT. Forget that flooding like crazy again!
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