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Covid reality

Oh yes I know mate. If we had a visit from the covid police I'm sure they would close it down. I keep thinking of ringing the council [emoji23]
Alcohol free hand sanitizer! No social distancing, cleaner only comes in once a week and she's crap or blind, I'm not sure which. We regularly run out of soap so I have my own stash. The boss has meeting's in a small office with the door shut. I've told him not to bother calling me in. He can come out to the workshop.
Sounds like you're doing right bud in fending for yourself.
Don't be worried about standing your ground either.
Sounds like you're doing right bud in fending for yourself.
Don't be worried about standing your ground either.
Ta. I don't take any shit. [emoji6]
He didn't like me to start with because I always speak my mind and don't agree with everything he says like some people (arse lickers). He's come to respect me now because he couldn't manage without me. At the moment atleast.
He came round before Christmas asking what I wanted for a present. I said a redundancy letter or retirement card [emoji23]
He said " no chance " .
The bastard [emoji23] [emoji23]
No I'm just trying to demonstrate it's not as easy to catch it as some might think.
I see very worried people walking down an empty street with a mask on!
Or drivers in cars that are otherwise empty still wearing a mask.

I also see so many people wearing their mask under their nose.
I see people cross contaminating so much like touching things, scratching face, taking mask off with potentially contaminated hands.
Most of the time i see folk just wearing a mask because they see it as a ticket to enter a shop and not for its intent to protect others.

Just thought it would be good to offer some perspective.
Do you not think though that some people are more susceptible to catching things.
Maybe you're one of these freaky people like me. I very rarely get a cold, I've never had the flu, whereas my brother's always seem to come down with things.
I've had some quite bad cuts/gashes before now and have just wrapped a rag round them or insulation tape and have never had an infection because of it. Yet I've known people to get infections from small scratches. It's weird.
Do you not think though that some people are more susceptible to catching things.
Maybe you're one of these freaky people like me. I very rarely get a cold, I've never had the flu, whereas my brother's always seem to come down with things.
I've had some quite bad cuts/gashes before now and have just wrapped a rag round them or insulation tape and have never had an infection because of it. Yet I've known people to get infections from small scratches. It's weird.
Highly likely as i don't get ill very often.
Ill shake off colds and stuff like that just as quick as they start and they never amount to anything substantial.
Not sure if the covid works the same way as all the other stuff though.

Edit to say I've definitely not had it though or the wife would have certainly caught it from me and suffered.
I'd agree there's an element of luck but I'd it would be extremely unlucky to catch it rather than being lucky not to.
Plus as lucky as u would have to b not to catch it u would have to be like immensely more unlucky for it to seriously affect u even if u did
Do you not think though that some people are more susceptible to catching things.
Maybe you're one of these freaky people like me. I very rarely get a cold, I've never had the flu, whereas my brother's always seem to come down with things.
I've had some quite bad cuts/gashes before now and have just wrapped a rag round them or insulation tape and have never had an infection because of it. Yet I've known people to get infections from small scratches. It's weird.
I dont think its wierd. Those ppl who get infections from every scratch they get r supposed to die (and until fairly recently often did). We as a species have learned to cheat nature tho with medical advances, and as good as that is for ppl with health issues, it does cause the kind of unbalance that results in overpopulation, climate change, etc etc.

Edit: i did not mean to imply anyones brother or anyone should die. I have health issues too and probably wouldnt be here but for modern medicine. I was just speaking objectively.
If we didnt have epinephrine, we would have far few ppl allergic to bee stings running around
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All a bit grim, bickering over the 2nd dose of the Pfizer, other vaccine roll out issues.Forget about dry January,no internet January sounds better :frustratedcomputer: Anyways, happy new year *crazy*
I cant believe masks of some sort still arent required everywhere. Especially now since they are coming out with all these stylish (yet barely effective) neck gaiters. But even barely effective is better than nothing, and they do have a post-apocalyptic cool look to em. I dig the tommy copper ones.

I have a good friend who is a 'hoaxist'. Im am amazed at how strongly he believes. I thought about debating the facts but he also still firmly believes the election was rigged somehow (even tho elections are actually rigged for republicans to win, its called jerry mandering, google it if u dont know what it is)

Here is something that should put u in an even more frustrated mood...

Edit: i think i'm gonna get one actually to wear over my actual mask. I hear a lot of doctors do that with the cheap blue ones to help them seal and to protect the expensive ones since masks r gonna be around for a while
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