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custom duty on a pack of coils from China?!

I hope this is not the case as I have 2 orders on route from FT however not been stopped before but mine is coming via ePacket
Singapore have banned vaping, so it may have something to do with Singpost. Even if this is wrong a £14 order is below the threshold for duties so i would go to HMRC and ask them why you are getting charged.
You should always use e packet.

But, there’s always a possibility they’ve mixed your order up with somebody else’s more expensive order. Still unusual for charges. Maybe @crustyfolker is on to something, but I had a mod with an internal battery come via singapore post a month or so ago with no problems.
I opted for the registered tracked mail by Singapore post. Ive always mostly used this one, sometimes registered china post.

I just have a card from Royal Mail that states there's a fee to pay. The reason given is: There is a customs charge.

Ive never had any issues before, its just recently its started. Again I dont even order much from china or take the piss. Its usually just accessories or the odd tank here and there.
as said, e packet and no charge here a couple of weeks ago with almost £100 worth of coils.
I have had an £11-12 custom charge on the last 2 items sent by Singapore post and 1 charge on an epacket item - partly the suppliers fault for not declaring a value on the shipping label. The Royal Fail add an £8 handling fee...
Thank you everyone for all the helpful replies! :)
I really appreciate it.

I will update you lot once I go to the delivery office to confirm the package.

I have noticed that whenever I do order from FT then they usually mark it down as Gift on the customs label. Never paid attention the value amount.

In future I will use e-packet, thanks for that tip.
Ive had a customs declaration form arrive from a FT delivery.
I know a charge will be added even though its a $22 order so I ignored it, will let the parcel be returned then make a claim back.
Just had a mod arrive yesterday without any charges. Hopefully this isn't the start of a crackdown.
As you ordered from FT, you might be able to see how much they declared your order for by zooming in to the photo of the package on the order's page in your account.

I had an order that was caught by customs because FT had massively inflated the value by declaring it in Hong Kong dollars instead of USD. It's worth opening a ticket if this is the case -- they compensated me for most of the money I had to pay.

Good luck @viper!
Went to the delivery office today and seen the package. It has the wrong value put on the customs declaration label!
I refused to pay it but the chap said it will still be here for the next 3 weeks before it goes back and they can't send it back before then. That gives me some time to resolve it with FT and see what they have to say.


So they marked it down as 163.50 HK Dollars?! All for a pack of 2 smok coil packs which have 3pc coils each.
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