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Did you go out today?

I will be going for a walk later, never went outside the front door yesterday. My hips are seizing up and I will sit on a bench if I feel the need to do so, if questioned I will point to my walking stick.
Went out the front to clear the drive and the pathway outside my house today [emoji300]️[emoji300]️[emoji300]️
Went out to do a bit of supermarket shopping last night very quite in there was about twenty people in there no queues out side and none at the tills just how i like it get what you need and out :)
Nothing exciting here, I try & get two walks in a day before it gets dark. A short one early on after a couple of hours work then a longer one about 3pm when I finish working

Noticed a lot more people walking on my later walk yesterday, so maybe people of getting fed up now & are wanting to get out more but usually I just see dog walkers, yesterday it was all sorts going for a mooch

Then on top of that a couple of trips a week to Morrisons or Aldi for supplies, but yeah, that's about it right now
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