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Evod or Smoktech Aro


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
Hi People,
When Carol got here MVP she also got a Smokteck Aro which has been working superbly. I called into ecig-wizard and whilst there, she got an Evod for herself and one for me.
When she popped the evod on to her MVP, nothing happened. I tried the one she had got me and the same result..... nothing. We then tried them on various egos and still nothing. I teased the centre pin on an ego and it worked fine, so my question is.... can I do the same with the MVP? Thought it wiser to ask prior to potentially causing a problem.
Yes you can but be very careful. Evod heads can be a bit fussy about what they fire on - might be easier to swap the head first before you try any drastic surgery on the MVP
You're quite right, Carol has now got some more Smoktech Aros for her MVP and I am using the Evods on various Egos;)
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