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Financial brick wall lol

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The long standing @aerovape offers great juice at in short a daft price really, also does monthly happy hours so your money goes twice as far. Creme brule' is good as soon as you get it but i've had some that had a 3 month steep and its insanely good.

Also new kid on the block 'daddy pigs smoke juice' cost a little more but (£8 for 30ml) but is a great vape, got some raspbery doh-nut which taste like greggs finest and am currently enjoying a coke float on the way to work. Nathanielle Jones , top work my man.

I've not tried drip drop but many swear by them, i've tried ordering from them but the 6 juices i tried to order were all out of stock.

Liquid, mmm passable in a pinch, but order at the right time and as i've said aerovape works out about the same price.

I diy most my own juice, you don't need fancy kit and boots do most the stuff you need if you need it promptly.

Whats your nic level?
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Welcome to the patented Mawsley One Step program to being a decent human being:
Step 1. Don't be a cunt when you're pissed.
Step 2. Try not to be a cunt when sober.

If you have succeeded at both steps you are able to apply for a hand drawn certificate that can be presented at job interviews or when signing up to new ISPs. Send a crossed postal order for £15.90 to Mawsley's Magnificent Tip, Mawsleyshire, MW1 1TP
Do you know what it is like not to buy food....Do you know how it feels to have no bed to get into at night? So forgive me if i tell you to go and do one! You know what I done when I couldn't buy a smoke????......I didnt fucking smoke!

There are some long term members on here that have fallen on hard times...and many members have help them out!!!! That is great news! We know (sort of) who they are! This forum is open....every Tom n Dick on the internet has access to what we are saying without being a member! Most of the Sh*t storms that happen on here happens from a root that is from someone who joined yesterday!

My son is 18....when we couldn't afford to eat..he did...if I couldn't afford to eat or drink, he eat and went to school in uniform and I put a fucking roof over his head.. if his life was hard (N fuck me I did everything I could do to bring him up like everyone else)...... Dont you fucking dare patronise me.... just because someone who joined yesterday cant have a tobacco fix...chunt!

Even if he joined yesterday and only posts once in his life, why should they be excluded from some friendly advice? Likewise, if someone wants to just lurk and gain knowledge that way then fair play to them and I hope I could be of some help.
Send me some ;) haha that's a good deal, where do you get your diy equipment and what recipes do you make if you don't mind me asking :)

There's a good sticky thread in the mixing section with some quality clone recipes, that's a good base to start from and experiment and you can see what sort of flavours you need to buy.

Vapable.com are great for flavours. I tend to buy equipment either from eBay or juts stock up on bits from places like liberty flights. Bottles I'm now buying on from Bottles4us or iBottles thanks to a recent tip from a fellow ape

Edit: and of course VG and PG and Nicotine. You can buy it premixed or separately. I do the latter. I buy my Nicotine from darkstar or go4smoke and my VG and PG from reids of chester via ebay.
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Its the cost of diy to start with and I always manage to smoke a bottle of ejuice before I'd be able get a kit delivered and to make a batch and then steeping, I've looked at some recipe's and I'm not sure how much I'd be able to make with 100ml pg 100vg and 10ml flavour and 50ml nicotine at 6mg strength, ive looked at the calculators seem a tad complicated for me (not the brightest spark lol) I've already saved money using rebuildable decks :)

Plenty of recipes to be found out there.Things have moved on slightly since this video was made,as you can get a whole lot of concentrates that are the base of a lot of the available liquids being sold by vendors.So with that in mind I would only say there is no need to mix 5ml at a time as suggested in the video,10ml or 30ml should not pose a problem.It will however give you a good insight into the world of DIY.

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I'm in a similar situation to the OP, missus is due on the 17th. Besides dripdrop I've found Raw Vapes to be great for the money (although they only do 10ml or 100ml bottles which is a bit of jump) and the same with Yaeliq.

I've got absolutely no interest in making my own juice and I'm happy to pay what these particular makers are asking.
Do you know what it is like not to buy food....Do you know how it feels to have no bed to get into at night? So forgive me if i tell you to go and do one! You know what I done when I couldn't buy a smoke????......I didnt fucking smoke!

There are some long term members on here that have fallen on hard times...and many members have help them out!!!! That is great news! We know (sort of) who they are! This forum is open....every Tom n Dick on the internet has access to what we are saying without being a member! Most of the Sh*t storms that happen on here happens from a root that is from someone who joined yesterday!

My son is 18....when we couldn't afford to eat..he did...if I couldn't afford to eat or drink, he eat and went to school in uniform and I put a fucking roof over his head.. if his life was hard (N fuck me I did everything I could do to bring him up like everyone else)...... Dont you fucking dare patronise me.... just because someone who joined yesterday cant have a tobacco fix...chunt!

I was going to reply to your drunken ramblings last night but I didn't because it would not have been vey nice
itssme you come across most of the time as a fairly decent if opinionated kinda guy buy I have noticed and so have others that late at night you do turn in to the most spectacular of bell ends and your posts come over incredibly aggressive and sometimes nonsensical

I love this forum and its community which is why i like to show respect to others where you seem to like to be the loud kid at school who thinks everyone should listen to you or you'll give them a wedgie !

God knows what was going through your brain when you decided you would be judge, jury and executioner to all new members and decide whether their financial situation was deemed good enough or not to be able to insult them

Then to come back and call me a chunt for calling you out for being a bell end when it was clear you were. I am sorry your son has had financial problems - so has a huge part of the population in this country - does it excuse your behaviour ? I think not

So how about do everyone a favour, when you've had too many sherberts of an evening, leave your high horse at home, come down off the moral high ground and chat to everyone on here like a normal guy
We don't need keyboard warriors putting off new members, and if you are going to be a bell end make sure you're funny

Sorry fellow apes - rant over
I'll be honest here, when I first read Richardk's post, a part of me thought, I wonder how many new people will read it, join up and offer a sob story for free gear. When I saw this post, my immediate thought was 'Here we go'.

Now, looking back on the OP's previous posts, there is no mention of being skint, or expecting a child. Fair enough, probably wouldn't mention that myself when I first joined. But, it went from, looking for an all day vape and trying as many different ones as he could, to buying a DIY kit, to being so skint he can't afford either of them. Personally, I'm a little skeptical and I don't blame itssme for being the same, even though I wouldn't have been quite so 'eloquent' in my post.

I might be wrong, and I hope I am, but something doesn't sit right.
There are plenty of chancers in this world, your scepticism is healthy. Trust your instincts and if you smell a rat, ignore and walk away. How difficult is that?
If someone else decides to act in a different way, that's their right, their decision. No skin off your nose.
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