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Financial brick wall lol

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Wasn't expecting loads of people posting all over this haha

I'll be honest here, when I first read Richardk's post, a part of me thought, I wonder how many new people will read it, join up and offer a sob story for free gear. When I saw this post, my immediate thought was 'Here we go'.

Now, looking back on the OP's previous posts, there is no mention of being skint, or expecting a child. Fair enough, probably wouldn't mention that myself when I first joined. But, it went from, looking for an all day vape and trying as many different ones as he could, to buying a DIY kit, to being so skint he can't afford either of them. Personally, I'm a little skeptical and I don't blame itssme for being the same, even though I wouldn't have been quite so 'eloquent' in my post.

I might be wrong, and I hope I am, but something doesn't sit right.

I'm not here for 'free shit' I'm here to find out what everyone else is doing to make their vaping as cheap as possible

Yea I made post about an all day vape and about a diy kit, it was so when I find an all day vape I could then diy that liquid and live happily ever after :) but at this current moment in time I don't have the sufficient funds to purchase a diy kit as well as juice on top to keep me going so I ask where the cheapest ejuice venders are

I can see how everything can look a little dodgy and that my friend all comes down to a single judgement of 'this guys new and is skint he's asking for freebies' when in some cases it is but I'm looking for freebies of advice and friendship and respect

The vape shops around me were useless and not very welcoming unless you had a big mod and was chucking clouds when I started and I had to learn a lot myself and found this forum and thought 'hell, I'll give these guys a shot' and to be honest I'm glad I did

Once I'm more experience and can diy all my stuff and have the latest gear out and vaping like a train then sure, I'll remember what you guys done for me and the support you all gave and I'll happily do the same because without a community for people like us, there's nothing and there will be lost hopes (a little dramatic but I hope you see the point) I have commented on other people's posts who have asked for help and I've gave my opinion on a few occasions about starter kits and other stuff because I didn't have that when I started and if we can keep someone off anologs then really you've saved that persons life :D

I hope I've managed to clear a few things up :)
Ive already replied,but, i read the OP's post as:
I'm expecting a baby, and baby's are expensive, I vape, but looking to cut expediture, so what's everyone else do in similar circumstances. So...
DIY is the cheaper than premix.
If you can't/don't want to premix cos of maths/setup cost, then there are premixed bases. If still not up their alley, recommend cheap but good ejuices.
It didn't come across to me as begging for juice, it was a request for ideas/suggestions.

Anyone, who has a child will know full well how expensive they are and how sacrifices have to be made. I commend the OP in looking for solutions rather than bury his head.
Everyone has an opinion, right or wrong, and to the OP, just remember that. Take it at face value. Only you know what choice you will make.
I also suggested Gumtree for toys, not because of his financial status, but found, along with electric, toys are our biggest wastage areas in our family. Save here and there, spend elsewhere. It's a balancing act.
Maybe some fellow apes could recommend a few tips for this soon to be father, not vape related, to help....
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I feel the need to also point out that although I am omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent some of my fellow mods are not - and there are times when I need the toilet.

It is spectacularly useful if people use the report function. Think of it as less of snitching and more of a ZT batsignal, spewing a gothy beacon into the internet ether.

I think we are all a bit sensitive, I did a very generous giveaway free here a few weeks back only to see the whole lot for sale on another forum.
It's not the first time I've been 'done' on here, can't blame people for being suspicious, although the ranting and raving is unnecessary.
I think we are all a bit sensitive, I did a very generous giveaway free here a few weeks back only to see the whole lot for sale on another forum.
It's not the first time I've been 'done' on here, can't blame people for being suspicious, although the ranting and raving is unnecessary.

I've just seen a mod I sold for £50 being advertised with reference to its RRP which is tantamount to flipping in my book. Oh well.
Quite surprised people do that kind of thing to be honest

welcome to the real world.

ive given a few things away on here through pm to supposed 'new vapers' some have stuck around some have vanished never to be heard from again. the ones that have stuck around and said thanks make up for the vanishing acts......just lol
That sucks, I'd be really pissed to be honest and reluctent to trust anyone again but that's just me :)
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