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Flavour Ban?

I would both hope, and imagine, that the gov will seriously struggle to get such draconian restrictions in force regarding flavours, if they tried. Limiting flavours solely to menthol would drive an enormous number, if not almost all, adults out of vaping and would discourage smokers from switching.

Can't see that happening. It's totally contrary to everything that's known and even if the government is bat shit crazy,

If they put legislation to the house, who is going to oppose it? Not backbenchers, not Labour, not Greens, whos left, Lib Dems and Liz Truss?

Only chance is court action, although it could only delay implementation, not reverse it. Zero chance of Labour repealing it, and the Lords can only delay it.
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I thought there was talk of there being a second public consultation due shortly so the public could be allowed an opportunity to put their views before they decided on their proposals. This sounds more like they have already decided.

There will be, but it will be worded in such a way that it will give them the answers they need to ban all flavours except tobacco and menthol. Any dissenting voices will be ignored, not even a given that nic shots will be allowed.

On a side note, and im sure its being discussed elsewhere on potv, but looks like any non nicotine flavoured 'vapes' will be outlawed. ie shortfills, longfills, bottleshots. Flavours and PG/VG should be ok, not much they can do about those.
If they put legislation to the house, who is going to oppose it? Not backbenchers, not Labour, not Greens, whos left, Lib Dems and Liz Truss?

Only chance is court action, although it could only delay implementation, not reverse it. Zero chance of Labour repealing it, and the Lords can only delay it.

We're gonna find out soon enough.
The same thing is happening in so many western countries and always the same way (with hardly any public or scientific consultation or parlliamentary discussion), that it just reinforces my feeling that it's all about some interests lobying. Likely Tobacco companies wanting to reduce the competition for their "heated tobacco" products.

It still feels almost as nonsense to me as it would be hearing about some alcohol or fast food prohibition, just nuts. Normalising this sort of uninformed restrictions should be alarming even to people that don't care about vaping, everyone should be thinking that if that's tolerated, then what other intrusive measure can come out of the blue.

My only comfort for vaping in specific is that it can't really affect the DIYers (we'll just be buying supposed "general food grade" flavouring concentrates instead). Having a few-decades stock of highly-concentrated nicotine in the freezeer has been wise for a long time, Mods/atomizers have a long life and will be easy enough to get/smuggle one way or the other anyway and VG/PG is unregulatable. But in every other way it will be really bad if it goes through.
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About fkin time....Im sure the big boys could chip in, unless they are planning on doing their own thing
Vic on his Youtube Channel had some choice words to say about VPA and the fact that they're asking donations for this, while they're already collecting so much from very expensive membership fees all these years. 49 "Full members" paying 10.5K per year each, not counting the income from the 500+ cheaper associate, retail and business classified memberships. Can't say I disagree, what on earth have they been doing with all this income and they need to resort to crowdfunding 15K to hire a lawyer?
Normalising this sort of uninformed restrictions should be alarming even to people that don't care about vaping, everyone should be thinking that if that's tolerated, then what other intrusive measure can come out of the blue.
Well, there are some (non-vapers) out there that are concerned about it.. and some of them are Tories...
Sunak’s vaping ban is an outrageous – and ineffective – assault on individual freedom

Rishi Sunak’s announcement that he wishes to ban disposable vapes, restrict e-cigarette flavours, require plain packing, and impose a form of display ban on them is yet another blow to individual freedom.

Ensuring children never adopt the bad habit of vaping is the stated aim of these interventions. Accepting the morality behind these interventions is to put Britain on a runaway train to an authoritarian society where free speech is curtailed, the liberty to get publicly drunk is denied, and where the private homes of vapers are invaded by the state. No society with an ounce of respect for liberty could accept this situation. This morality must be rejected, along with the restrictions themselves.
Vic on his Youtube Channel had some choice words to say about VPA and the fact that they're asking donations for this, while they're already collecting so much from very expensive membership fees all these years.
VPA is the new thing, its UKVIA that founding members of VPA have been paying into, and got fed up of waiting for them to do something about it.
VPA is the new thing, its UKVIA that founding members of VPA have been paying into, and got fed up of waiting for them to do something about it.
My bad, in that case sorry VPA -hope they prove more effective than UKVIA
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