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Flavour Ban?

I think this debate is stressing people out too much. I have never had any faith in the British Government from any of the parties be it Labour the Tories or any other party, my opinion is they have already decided what is being done but why they aren't announcing it is because they want to know the public reactions to it all. Being the pesimist i am i think they are going to hit vaping hard and do it with one mighty swipe. From the publics response so far they are going to think they can do what they want with minimal fallout. If they ban Disposables and flavours how much of a public outcry will there be ?. I can answer that with just looking at the amount of people who give an actual fuck about this. I am stress free because i have already decided what i am going to do and won't give the government the satisfaction of knowing if i give a fuck or not. I honestly feel that all this debate and bickering among each other isn't going to change a thing. I hope i am wrong but really don't think i am.
When smoking in public was banned, i think the government did expect public unrest. Nothing happened, so they know they can do what ever they want to vaping.
When smoking in public was banned, i think the government did expect public unrest. Nothing happened, so they know they can do what ever they want to vaping.

i dunno, it’s not really the same. while folk were pissed off in the run up many smokers i know prefer smoking being banned in pubs and suchlike after the event. i think it would have been very different if they were banning or restricting fags or certain types of them.
When smoking in public was banned, i think the government did expect public unrest. Nothing happened, so they know they can do what ever they want to vaping.
I hear you, but vaping is supposed to be 95% less harmful... (not that most of the general public know that of course)
You're probably right, but it gives us something to do & talk about... 🙂
I have no objections to people doing what your doing and i also understand that some like yourself are passionate about Vaping, sometimes you can get too close to something and emotions can take over, this is something that i Don't like seeing.
Yep, her comment ought to read "This bill does not take away Utahns' ability to vape. It does remove flavoured vapes which are 80% of what children like to vape and we don't give a crap what adults like to vape or what helps them give up smoking."
Restricting or banning ANY aspect of vaping and that includes banning disposables is taking away the human rights of any adult wishing to improve their wellbeing and trying to increase their life by quitting smoking and to vape instead.
Anyone who says they are doing it to protect our children is either a liar or an idiot. You simply DON 'T ban something that is helping millions of people improve their lifestyle.
The save our youth just doesn't wash. The existing laws we have in this country should be inforced with severe consequences and punishment if anyone is found breaking the law.
Restricting or banning ANY aspect of vaping and that includes banning disposables is taking away the human rights of any adult wishing to improve their wellbeing and trying to increase their life by quitting smoking and to vape instead.
Anyone who says they are doing it to protect our children is either a liar or an idiot. You simply DON 'T ban something that is helping millions of people improve their lifestyle.
The save our youth just doesn't wash. The existing laws we have in this country should be inforced with severe consequences and punishment if anyone is found breaking the law.
That is spot on, if existing legislation i.e. trading standards doing their job, had been stuck to there would be no need for anything else.
With any argument it's we must protect the Children, i remember years ago when glue sniffing became a bit of an epidemic, did they ban glue ?. With Tobacco and smoking, our children are at risk, did they ban smoking ?. Now vaping, we must protect the children. Lets Ban Vaping. Now i think Glue Sniffing and Smoking are far worse for our children than any vape will ever be, so why weren't they banned, Granted it would be hard to ban Glue but smoking could of been banned. They won't ban smoking because it's a cash cow for the government. Do we Adults ever get to make decisions for ourselves ?. I remember the days if a Bobby caught you smoking he would give you a clip round the ear, i remember one local copper who caught a friend of mine with a 5 packet of Park Drive, he confiscated the Ciggies but he broke one in half and made my mate chew it then spit it out. My mate never carried cigs in his pockets again. I know you can't enforce a law to make a child eat a disposable but there must be a way to enforce the law better, maybe a 3 strike law where if a child is caught with a vape then the child should be cautioned, if he is caught again put him before a juvenile court and let them deal with him, sounds harsh but a child vaping is breaking the law. Also Shops should have to pay hefty fines and be banned from selling them, if caught after that then take them to Court and ban them from opening a shop. I know i am a bit sadistic lol.
That is spot on, if existing legislation i.e. trading standards doing their job, had been stuck to there would be no need for anything else.

many people think they should be banned because of the mess and pollution they cause. trading standards can’t do anything about that.

besides, there is no human right to purchase disposable vapes. ffs people.
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