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Free parcels in the post

Have you still got the French Dude if so what strength and size? i would possibly be able to offer a trade for something, hardware only though.
Sorry bud, I didn't get that. He actually ordered the French dude. He got the arthritic gloves as an extra un-ordered package. That's what I got today as well. Arthritic gloves. SuperSmithens did mention he didn't like it and wished he hadn't ordered it. He may well be up for a trade.
Sorry bud, I didn't get that. He actually ordered the French dude. He got the arthritic gloves as an extra un-ordered package. That's what I got today as well. Arthritic gloves. SuperSmithens did mention he didn't like it and wished he hadn't ordered it. He may well be up for a trade.

I do apologise mate my mistake, half of me on the forum the other half watching tv. :)
I got really excited last week when i received a parcel that i hadn't ordered and it had "free fanny for you" on the outside .....

opened it up and was not impressed , anyone wanna swap ?

So it's not just me!

I've had four random packages from Amazon in the last month or so. All of them addressed to me from someone I don't know.

I've been "given":
A mini spy camera
A beauty suction device
A set of headphones
A doctor playset
A car socket extender
I have let this slide, but as someone has now "Reported" this because of Trades and Swaps outside the Classifieds................ You either do this by PM from here on in, or, the Thread will be locked.
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