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Free repair/service for mods

@KytanDale I've just come across your post I have a mech Boro I bought a while back and it has never worked properly from the moment I got it. Is this something you could take a look at please?
I advised @Moses to contact me in private and also for everybody else needing my services, please contact me directly via PM, I only get notifications on private messages for everything else need to check manually the forum for updates on posts and this will increase my response time.
Aaaaa! My babies are back! (read: two Therion DNA75s)

Many thankies! I'll reach out again if any other device develops issues

Recommended? Highly!
Hi I havent been on here on the forum for a while I often lurk looking around . I'm looking for some help or advice with my Hexohm v3 it dosnt fire but makes a low humming noise. any help or advice would be very appreciated
To save posting up a new topic what to do with old defunct mods that have built in batteries, take em apart, remove the batteries and recycle them :hmm:
Hi everybody, I have been inactive for a while . I will start looking through old messages.
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