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Goddam steam eengine

As long as you know what you're pushing mate then fair play crack on. I guess everyone just wanted to be sure you was ok lol. :p
Yeah as Raguri said earlier, didn't see that. 3 wraps isn't going to give you a good vape at all due to surface area. You can either parallel it, so two strands as each coil, or you can twist two strands together for each coil.

I'd probably go for twisted myself. Bit more work then parallel, but you'll get a 6 wrap dual coil, on a 3mm ID, plus more depth to your flavor.
I agree with raguri,

Dual parallel coil works the best,

I have a 0.08ohm coil build in my cloud chasing mech. using a 26650 64a battery ofcourse.

I would go for a dual parallel 24g, 4 wraps each coil. that should put you at .12ohm which is great.
@Tubbyengineer - As above, reading back both my question and reply; I'd be hiding behind my flame proof sofa! My brain clearly wasn't performing properly, like I said iPhone wouldn't select the values I wanted to change. Essentially what I was actually asking was for some one to use SE on my behalf. Also I didn't think for a second you were being un-pleasant but I am ready to be Vaping there, I have a good working knowledge of Mr Ohm's and his law :) as well as battery safety (if it hisses, chuck it and duck. Right?)

Lol, you forgot the RUN LIKE BUGGERY bit...:D

And we've all had brain fart times, mines been going on for about 20 years now...:lol1:
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