Words etc
We still doing this?
It irked me because it was the second time this week it felt like you'd made a sly dig about money, but I'm over it, it's Hawkshead weekend, I can't be arsed with debating or arguing.
Look, I don't care what people use, use what you want, stick 10mls of dekang in a pan, put a towel over your head and inhale the steam if you like...
Some of my close friends are black... erm...
I know people who use clones and I don't spit in their faces or anything, yes I despise clones, cloning and cloners and yes I do think oftentimes people who use clones are quite blinkered by the low price point and choose not to consider the moral, ethical and legal implications of the clone industry. BUT... if you want to use a clone, go for your life... Just don't expect me to sit back and listen to people say there's nothing wrong with clones and cloning, because I think those who don't use clones have as much right to say why we choose not to as you who do use clones have to justify your fastech purchases