The only thing that bothers me with the clone VS genuine debate is the die hard haters toward one faction or another. People will choose to use clones for a number of reasons and a lot of others will not want to for opposing reasons - fair enough IMO.
If you use a clone and feel like you have to defend your reasons so aggressively then you clearly think you are doing something wrong, similarly if you are a lover of genuines but have to beat down clone users to feel la-de-dah then you are getting the reasons we vape entirely wrong. I use clones and genuines combined
ElsaBubs thinks that I should go to hell and get bum fiddled before I burn for putting genuine drippers on clone mods (but jokingly I hasten to add)
For me it comes down to simple economics, I have dozens of drippers and atomisers to test juices on while they are being made - genuines would rob my children of dinner and clones mean that I can test flavours within 90% of the genuine article to see how they are different from another atomiser. The ones I love to use are on the whole, genuine articles. I have only a few genuine mods but I do have some.
I will also NOT stock named and/or numbered clones on PlumeBlu, the reasons I choose to use clones are different to the direction my moral compass swings for supplying them in quantity.
There are also certain mod makers (JD Tech I am highly suspicious of) that I do not give two monkeys about using a clone over their genuine as I firmly and wholeheartedly believe that they are supplying chinese factories with their tech specs on models for a bump of extra cash. This seems bolstered to me by the fact the cloners release their new models (right down to the finest details) before the official ones launch - something is fishy there.
There are others that I feel have no need to be cloned, Fortune Mods have to be right up there in this with their already budget priced original mod which other than availability cannot be bettered for people looking for a genuine without bank busting status.