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Good quality Rose V2 Clones are here...

As Tupac would say "theres wars in the streets and wars middle east, instead of war on poverty, they've got war on clones so the elitists can bother me"...

I am not sure that constitutes proof, no more than my post did.

It's interesting that when Apple visit Foxconn to investigate the claims of awful working conditions, all is found to be well, yet people continue to throw themselves off buildings there. It's also interesting that China have information regarding the levels of child labour being used in the country, but that information is classified as a state secret and is not available.

I don't know what goes on in some of those factories, I haven't seen them.

My point is only that you need to keep your eyes wide open as regards working conditions in China.
When I cant sleep tonight thinking about missing out on the HAWKSHEAD event, I shall re read these posts and ZZZzzzzzzzzz nighty night MoFo's

Thank you in advance, I love story time ;)
When I cant sleep tonight thinking about missing out on the HAWKSHEAD event, I shall re read these posts and ZZZzzzzzzzzz nighty night MoFo's

Thank you in advance, I love story time ;)

Got to do sumat while im waiting for my hairdye to take / get washed off.

Im sure the OP was about a clone to give people a heads up on where to buy it :rules1:
Not using clones is a personal, moral, judgment I make. It irks me that people use money as an excuse, particularly when they think it ok for them to pass judgement on my family's personal financial situation based on their own assumptions!

This thread is a perfect example, we're not talking a £10 clone from fastech here were talking about £45, almost as much as it would cost to pick up something like a genuine Kayfun brand new (you could probably find one for around £45 in good condition on the classies)... So this isn't about not being able to afford good vape gear, it's about not being able to afford the particular high end atty you want.

Nobody buys a fake rolex because they desperately need to tell the time, that's what brands like Nixon are for.

The personal and moral Judgements you make Jenny are fine by be and I am sure with many others also,however it works both ways.You have to accept that what others do is through "their" own choice for whatever reason.It is not always a case of "not being able to afford a particular piece of high end gear". In my case as mentioned previously,there is no way I would spend that on an atty.The difference of aprox £75 between a clone and the real deal is quite substantial to me,if you do not think it is then perhaps you wouldn`t mind making it up for me so as I can get one.Not sure if "passing judgement on your financial situation" was aimed at me,so apologies if it was not.As I always try and be open and honest about things the comment I made in Sams post was not a personal dig.I know how much he likes his high end gear,he asked for a favour which we all do in times of a bit of help from people we know.The fact was he mentioned about being broke,I looked at that and just smiled to myself,hence the winking smiley in my reply.I certainly did not loose any sleep over what he had said.

The onus of proof isn't on me. I don't buy clones ;)

So can you honestly say that neither you or Sam have ever had and used a cloned piece of kit since you both started vaping?
Wow I'm late to the party

Shocking in my opinion Lee and Andy have sunk blood sweat and tears into these atties and no doubt many many pounds too in development then they get knocked off.

I mean I'm not disagreeing with you or saying your point is invalid, but it's simply supply and demand. If you create a market and a want for something, if you suddenly narrow the sales spectrum or simply can't keep up with supply and demand, in this day and age there is no excuse not to outsource production if you can't keep up, and if you don't then someone else will. No one plays fair to each other in business, if everyone played nice you wouldn't have the likes of Virgin, Tesco, BT, British Gas etc.

Imagine if the situation was applied to something like Phones (and where legalities were weak, as in the vaping market) and apple released a new fancy iphone which is totally innovative. They made a huge racket about it, got tons of reviewers to say how good it was and then boom it sells for a premium price. Cut out supply, create a higher demand for the product since everyone wants it and no one can have it and then third party sellers who do have them, increase the price even higher because people are that desperate they're willing to pay for it.

Now lets say, Android thinks 'wait, we can copy what they've done there' and 2 months later is pushing out pretty much the exact same thing for less than half the price and you can get it anywhere.

It's not the best example and due to them being such big companies lawsuits would be everywhere, but it's essentially (and I say this VERY loosely) sort of what happened, isn't it?

I disagree generally with clones stealing the original identity, but if you create a market for something and then say "nor, you cant have it or you can only have it from this place for THIS amount of money" and someone else comes along basically giving the market exactly what they want, with enough money left over to buy another two if they happen to get a shitty one, or lose it, or break it, or simply don't wanna pay 3x more for something that will operate and function exactly the same?

I really can't believe ANYONE would be surprised

But then again, the only real reason people care about this is because most of these 'unicorn' products are coming from us, the vapers that know exactly what they want. If it was a big company like Sony who made some stuff that got cloned, no one would bat an eyelid would they? I think it's all very much double standards
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Got to do sumat while im waiting for my hairdye to take / get washed off.

Im sure the OP was about a clone to give people a heads up on where to buy it :rules1:

Its all good entertainment, I did check it out last night but its got better :popcorn:

Nearly time for 11 'o' clocks :24:

So can you honestly say that neither you or Sam have ever had and used a cloned piece of kit since you both started vaping?
Never had any clones, never would lower myself to that level. It's a personal thing. You use clones, I don't care, good
for you. You prefer to spend your money on booze etc, great,
good for you. But don't criticise me for using originals and hating clones. I work hard for my money and prioritise my
spending - vaping is my one and only vice. I can't remember the last time I had a drink!

I have had a puff on a clone a couple of
times. In November at the Leicester meet on @Mawsleys I think, and then when I was at @PlumeBlus a couple a months ago, but the latter was to simply try some juice.

I have nothing against people using clones. I have a joke with my mates and wind them up, but in reality think no less of them for using clones. They are great people, regardless of wether they use clones or originals.

I am happy to live and let live mate, and rise above the petty shit.

I don't like clones, and I can't pretend I do, but at the same time we all have personal choice and I would never think less of someone for either owning clones or not having the money to buy originals.

One issue I do have though is the one rule for one and one for another. It seems ok for people to slate originals, the price, availability etc. but then as soon as someone says a bad word about clones all hell breaks loose and people start getting touchy and offended. Really infuriates me.
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