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Got fat?

That didn't last long


That cat needs this book, it's just been translated and printed in English, it's proper, not porn, all about the pelvic floor - apparently :hmm:


Edit: it might be pornographic:

Women who are sensuously aware of their pelvic floor and know how to use it are authentic, powerful, and sexy. They’re aligned with themselves. They know what they want, and they have the mental clarity and the physical energy to achieve whatever they desire. These women express their sexuality with passion and enjoy life to the fullest. They sparkle with vitality and maintain that fresh radiance their entire lives. Through satisfying sex, orgasms, and the resulting emotional intimacy, these women hold the essential elements for fulfilling and intimate romantic relationships in the palms of their hands.

In a minute I’m going to have to clamber out of bed. This means in two minutes I’m going to have to climb on the exercise bike and pound out 10 miles before doing sit ups and press ups.

I entered Lockdowns as a bit of a fat shit, I’m exiting them as an incredibly fat shit and it seems the entire world has an opinion on this - not least my nurse, doctor, and wife. *3 separate individuals unfortunately, which rules out sexy times.

Then, stretching before me, I can look forward to a breakfast of dust, a dinner consisting of flavoured liquid, and a supper that rabbits might object to for lack of imagination and variety. Then, at the end of the week, my access to alcohol has been replaced with an all-you-can-drink water option.

Anyone else having to or being forced to reconsider their lifestyle, meal and rehydration options? Make me happy and tell me that I’m not the only one being unhappy.

Try being type 1 Diabetic for 41 years, You never get fat it's impossible no matter what i eat. 41 years of having to watch what i eat is far worse than a year and half. But that's life, now i will mention type 2 diabetics, they are on an even tighter rope as what they can eat and how much they can eat. being middle aged and overweight can and most often leads to type 2 diabetes which if you don't follow the dietry rules you will soon lose your sight, a leg or even renal failure. Upto you but i would seriously consider what you eat and drink .
As said i am type 1 but the sight problems took hold 15 years ago, i came close to losing a leg as well, all caused by poor control due to one insulin not working as it should in the past. All the exercise you refer to can be replaced by a brisk walk which will burn calories and maybe save you from type 2 and the perils that come with it. You don't need to eliminate as much fat as possible the way to lose weight is to cut down on carbohydrates. try this for a week or 2 and see if it helps. keep all meals including a dessert to 80grams of carbs, a bit less is fine. then if you snack limit it to in between meal and 20 grams of carbs only. Count any alcohol towards your limit. It makes hell of a difference.
Meat. most veg eat as much as you want as they are carb free. Try it and see it maybe life changing for you.
Loads of used gym equipment appearing for sale online. Everyone seems to have bought it during lock down (hence pushing the prices sky high) and now the gyms have opened up they're getting rid for cheap. Picked up a bench and rack with accompanying weights and another set of dumbells for less than half price and they look as good as new.

I swear I lost a couple pounds just watching the dude unload it from his van and in to my garage. :D
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Wish I could do weights, I miss them, yes they are boring on your own, I still have a set of dumbbells but no matter how I set myself up, I still injure myself and probably cause more damage. It's hard when your sensible lifting advice, from the consultant, is lift no more than 2kg, 2 bags of sugar ffs.
Wish I could do weights, I miss them, yes they are boring on your own, I still have a set of dumbbells but no matter how I set myself up, I still injure myself and probably cause more damage. It's hard when your sensible lifting advice, from the consultant, is lift no more than 2kg, 2 bags of sugar ffs.
Having seen your scan I'm amazed you manage to lift yourself out of bed in the morning. It's not until you hurt your back that you realise just how many things you do everyday - and take for granted - uses your back. Even sitting still in a chair or on the sofa uses your back. Pushing car pedals with your feet uses your back. Even something as mundane as wiping your arse uses your back!

I wouldn't be doing weights in your current shoes mate. Tbh, I'm REALLY surprised you haven't had surgery on it. Push the disc back and and fuse it.
I wouldn't be doing weights in your current shoes mate.

I've been lumping bags of sand and cement around, hacking off render, bagging and lifting it about, knocking up sand and cement, how much does a bucket of water weigh? You get my drift, I still have to do things, but it's extremely high risk, so be it.

I wouldn't be doing weights in your current shoes mate. Tbh, I'm REALLY surprised you haven't had surgery on it. Push the disc back and and fuse it.

What disc :doh:

I'm REALLY surprised you haven't had surgery on it.

The op failed the pros and cons test, what is the point of writing a list, if I ignore the outcome?
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