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Got fat?

Well, the doc has just informed me I’ve shed over a stone and a half. Rather happy with that. About 6 stone to go.

Also got my HBA1C from 100 to 46 - everyone liked that :D
I've taken the sensible approach and bought a few cheap pairs of fat bastard sized jeans. I know I've piled on the pounds over the last year - I'll either lose it or I won't. Whatever.
Well, the doc has just informed me I’ve shed over a stone and a half. Rather happy with that. About 6 stone to go.

Also got my HBA1C from 100 to 46 - everyone liked that :D
Isnt that the number thats supposed to b under 7?
A stone & half is crazy good @Mawsley, awesome work!!!

I've decided I'm not cutting any weight

See, my problem is, I'm lanky, & I've done this for the best part of 2 decades, just see sawing between being fat & slim. Right now, fully clothed, I look like a rake but I know I've got a bit of a belly. If I cut that belly, I'll just look even lankier & spin my wheels even more

Ideally I want to build some muscle because I don't have a lot & that will help me long term

So the plan is, eat well, high fibre, high protein, around 2200-2300 clean calories, weight training 3 times a week with daily walks & push ups, pullups, core work on days off then just go from there. If my weights stall, up the calorie intake a little & keep gauging like that. I just need to make sure I stick to it & Covid doesn't close the gyms again

TDEE is a bit confusing, the NHS count a brisk walk as "moderate exercise" & I've no idea whether weight training is classed as light or moderate, if I use 5 days moderate exercise a week my maintenance cals is 3,000 which feels too high for me, light exercise 1-2 days a week gives me 2,600 cals. So I'll stay in deficit whilst I'm on my nooby gains & my body getting used to it again & add when I need them. Hopefully, I can recomp a bit as a "beginner"

At the moment I'm gymming in the morning , by about 1pm I'm absolutely wiped out & sore so that sends me to bed early by default

My weights absolutely suck, I can bench as much as I can squat so I'm doing a 5/3/1 routine that has you squatting twice a week with extra volume

To show how laughable it is at the moment, I can:

Squat 50kg
Bench 50kg
Deadlift 90kg
OHP 30kg

That's 10 days in after pretty much a Covid ruined year. Hopefully, after a few consistent months I can up them a little but the squat is the weak link
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Im pretty sure it counts
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My Letsfit activity watch thing arrived yesterday evening, wore it at the gym this morning & it reckons I burnt 548 calories? I mean, it has my height, weight & heart rate & I know these things are never accurate but that sounds pretty nuts to me. If it does anywhere near that, I'll be impressed
My Letsfit activity watch thing arrived yesterday evening, wore it at the gym this morning & it reckons I burnt 548 calories? I mean, it has my height, weight & heart rate & I know these things are never accurate but that sounds pretty nuts to me. If it does anywhere near that, I'll be impressed

Out of interest, over what period? It's more than possible, I can burn 250 calories on my spin cycle, in 45 minutes, fookin' knackering though and my back obviously hates it. I love the perverse sweating and Taylor Swift tunes, I wonder if those two things are connected :hmm: :D
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