A stone & half is crazy good
@Mawsley, awesome work!!!
I've decided I'm not cutting any weight
See, my problem is, I'm lanky, & I've done this for the best part of 2 decades, just see sawing between being fat & slim. Right now, fully clothed, I look like a rake but I know I've got a bit of a belly. If I cut that belly, I'll just look even lankier & spin my wheels even more
Ideally I want to build some muscle because I don't have a lot & that will help me long term
So the plan is, eat well, high fibre, high protein, around 2200-2300 clean calories, weight training 3 times a week with daily walks & push ups, pullups, core work on days off then just go from there. If my weights stall, up the calorie intake a little & keep gauging like that. I just need to make sure I stick to it & Covid doesn't close the gyms again
TDEE is a bit confusing, the NHS count a brisk walk as "moderate exercise" & I've no idea whether weight training is classed as light or moderate, if I use 5 days moderate exercise a week my maintenance cals is 3,000 which feels too high for me, light exercise 1-2 days a week gives me 2,600 cals. So I'll stay in deficit whilst I'm on my nooby gains & my body getting used to it again & add when I need them. Hopefully, I can recomp a bit as a "beginner"
At the moment I'm gymming in the morning , by about 1pm I'm absolutely wiped out & sore so that sends me to bed early by default
My weights absolutely suck, I can bench as much as I can squat so I'm doing a 5/3/1 routine that has you squatting twice a week with extra volume
To show how laughable it is at the moment, I can:
Squat 50kg
Bench 50kg
Deadlift 90kg
OHP 30kg
That's 10 days in after pretty much a Covid ruined year. Hopefully, after a few consistent months I can up them a little but the squat is the weak link