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help needed cant decide

Hiya, and welcome to squonking.
Since I am sat here using a Pico squeeze right now, guess what my answer is? :)
I've not used the Frankie clone, bit from what I have heard they are basically garbage. Some people do buy them for the box and replace the internals, but that depends on whether you want to muck about with modding or not.
Personally, I'd go with the Pico all day long, and then stick a nice atty on it. A Narda clone is what I have on, and it's a very good, warm vape. You can either get them ridiculously cheap if you're prepared to wait for the slow boat, or Provapes do that, the Hadaly and the Armor for about £25 each, all well regarded squonk atties.
Hope this helps
hi all new to this squonking lark need help in deciding which one to get or should i just get both either this 1 http://www.vapeandecigstore.co.uk/S...-Squonker-Box-with-Coral-RDA-Kit-by-Eleaf.asp or this 1 http://www.vapeandecigstore.co.uk/S...rankenSkull-Style-Mechanical-Mod-With-RDA.asp

Like you I have never tried squonking, but have a pico squeeze and an sxk Hadaly on its way from FT for a Small outlay. Should I not get on with it, i could just leave it in a drawer. Hopes are high though.
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