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Help - stuck in a juice rut!

eek at 'musty socks' as my brother always says b juice tastes musty :p

make you a deal if you dont like it i will take it off your hands at cost?
Did I say I didn't like it? No ........... my complaint was that it wasn't strong enough!! It was quite pleasant actually - I have strange tastes. :P

Don't worry - it will be fine, I'm sure! :D
@ned and @TruckinVaper, I decided not to go mad and bought just two juices from B-Juice, which arrived this morning, though bless him he sent me extra. I've started with Bishop Basu's Spanker and I really, really like it. Even if I hate the rest, I have gained one more ADV to add to the collection and of course I still have more recommendations to try. Really chuffed, thank you.
Just out of interest, I just tried my latest disappointing juice in the Sigeile ZMax V2 I bought recently (bought it really for testing coils and batteries, I didn't really intend to vape on it much). I'd bought Boom Juice's Oliver's Twist because it smelled gorgeous on a workmate's dripper ........ but when it arrived all I got was a very faint hint of something like musty socks. It's still nowhere near what I'd hoped, but at 14W on the ZMax in a Nautilus Mini I can at least taste something. I notice that most of the ones I can't taste are higher VG than the juices I love, so I perhaps should take that into account in my search.

@Jugg1es you mentioned a genny? I'm actually not sure I really know what a genny is ........ I've tried searching and I see reference to mesh wicks, but I'm not sure that I understand exactly. Please forgive my ..... erm .... density! Also, I dug out a slightly better pic of my Kamry pipes, which are what I use most.


ohh i like the one at the front i would like that but with the tank from the middle one on it.
@Crewella a genesis tank is actually a very simple tank design, there's a 'tank' at the bottom for juice with a coil above this which is fed by a mesh straw, juice makes its way up the straw through capillary action very similar to cotton. I find that the lack of cotton gives a very different flavour to a lot of juices, even custards benefit to some degree. Mesh wicks are very suited to tobacco(i cant really comment here as I hate tobacco, however lots of comments leave me to believe this from many respected genny users here) and fruit juice especially, they are fresher and taste less muted. Most genny's can't be laid down due to their design, there are however a couple that can be thrown about without leaking all over the place. My current favourite atm is the nextgen which I carry everywhere, drop regularly and has been driven over by my clients powered wheelchair on more than one occasion. At 22ml wide it might look a little different to what your used to but it might also be your juice salvation.
@Jugg1es OK, I will investigate. Is 'Genesis' a brand or a type? Are they made by more than one company? Sorry to keep firing questions at you! I appreciate your taking the time to explain, thank you. :)
@Jugg1es OK, I will investigate. Is 'Genesis' a brand or a type? Are they made by more than one company? Sorry to keep firing questions at you! I appreciate your taking the time to explain, thank you. :)
Genesis is a style, as your using pipes look for In'ax v2 genesis tanks and nextgen. This is the nextgen
@Crewella has your jules vape sample turned up?? the sqirrel juice tastes just like the coffe cream out of dairy box ....... if thats your bag
Genesis is a style, as your using pipes look for In'ax v2 genesis tanks and nextgen. This is the nextgen

Thank you, that's really helpful. :)

@cheltenham cat there was a slight hitch so my Squirrel Juice is still on its way to me. Might be a bit sweet for me, by the sound of it, but we'll see when it gets here - I will report back.
@Crewella has your jules vape sample turned up?? the sqirrel juice tastes just like the coffe cream out of dairy box ....... if thats your bag

The Squirrel Juice has turned up - it's a quality juice, and I like the hazelnut exhale (and it smells gorgeous) but overall too sweet for my taste, I like my coffee super-strong espresso type, and without the nicotine it's missing a kick, for me. I shall donate it to a friend at work who will lurrrrve it. The other two will go the same way, but I didn't really expect to like them much as I'm not into fruity vapes (one arrived in error).
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