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How many vapers did you see today?

1 today, my father in law.

2 today, in my local pub, would have been 3, but my mate was late leaving work, so I had to go before he turned up.

Mind you I consider that a good figure in a way, as at work I am not allowed to use my vaper in the building (bloody biggoted hr bitch that we have)

So I only vape in the pub, and at home where I don't see anyone else.

I'm lucky though, there are three pubs within a five minute walk of my house, and one fairly close to work where they tolerate vapers.

I say tolerate because the landlords neither smoke, or vape, but don't deny vapers their comfort as long as they don't produce large clouds that piss the other customers off

My wife, 2 people whilst I was walking to work, a lad in the smoking shelter at the work place next door to my work, the 4 at my work and my father in law.
About twenty, not including the people in the vape shop. It's really taking off here (Lincoln). When I moved here two years ago the nearest vape shop was three miles away. Now there are two within a mile of my house.
I live in a town south of Norwich and 6 months ago I had to travel into Norwich for a vape shop. Now there's 3 in my town.
Went to a car boot..saw 6 vaping and a man buying
Cortex / iSub S Kit
for £45!
Was funny listening to the sellers sales pitch 'this is the best there is,
look at mine, I have to take the battery out to charge, on this one its built in'
Two. There was a guy outside the betting shop and a guy walking by my Wife's work whilst I was waiting to pick her up.
One. In the mirror. I'm the only one vaping in my village...There were some kids who bought cheap mods to swag their clouds out, but it didnt work for them, as their parents found out and confiscated their gear :D
Just finished 12hr shift. There were 3 at the station out of about 6. 3 in work. On the train back in the morning roughly 7. Out of them as far as i could see 4 were sub ohming and the rest were pen types or the larger battery type. There seems to be a lot more in the last 6-8 months.
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