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Improved Aspire Nautilus coils


Staff member
Jun 24, 2017
Many moons ago I used the Nautilus 2 and I went thru a lot of Nautilus coils. Eventually, after switching to nic salt I stopped because the coils really struggled. I recently bought a new rta that can take nautilus coils so I bought some more to try out the tank in stock coil mode. I'm still vaping the same nic salt as before.

I've been so impressed that I started to question why I ever stopped using the coils in the first place. Until this morning when I had a closer look.

These are new and improved coils with larger wick ports. The resistance is the same at 1.8 ohm but instead of 4 tiny wick holes it has 2 slightly larger wick holes and 2 even larger slots. It makes an enormous difference.

These coils are also labelled as Aspire AIO coils. I'm very impressed. Anyone who's had bad experiences with nautilus coils before but has a use for them but has been waiting for improvements should try these out.

@Mitz where did you get the new ones from bud?
I got mine from heaven gifts at the same time I ordered the rta. But due to their rules they sent the coils seperately and they arrived later than the rta. They're also available at FT and I've found them in the UK here....


Apparently the NS on the packet is Nic Salt but there is no reason they can't be used with free base as well. But they've really impressed me with my nic salt. I'm having none of the issues I had before with their old 1.8 coils which ultimately led me to give up on them completely. Giving these a huge thumbs up. :2thumbsup:
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Thanks for the heads up @Mitz , my Nautilus 2 tank went straight into my sin bin after the coil performance on nic salts, I think I will grab a pack of these and see if it can redeem itself :)
Well that's good. Its good too that obviously they addressed an issue and looks like they fixed it.
Innokin did too I believe with the Crios coils, well they actually did as for a while they were wound/fitted really wonky cotton wise. But the issue was addressed. My misses uses the Crios for out shopping with a Wismec 80 as a stealth set up and has for 2 yrs now with zero coil issue. Previously it was a dud every second coil. I really do think in the last 18 plus months that most manufacturers have listened and lifted their game as I find myself dollying up less and less as time goes on. That's a good thing. :thumbup:
My first 12 and a bit months were so, so frustrating quality wise.
Now not so. :13:
Thanks @Mitz I may give these a try. I've been getting on quite well with the mesh coils and have yet to try the clapton triton coils, I'll add these to the list :2thumbsup:

Can you use these in the Nautilus X thats the only Aspire tank I have. They look the same as the Artery Pall 2 coils??

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