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Institute of Economic Affairs support ecigs

Why is it that the Labour Party and the Greens just don't get it and everyone else does?


The nearest thing I can find to a Green Party policy on this matter is this statement:

Screen shot 2013-07-11 at 15.17.40.jpg

One would have assumed that this fits in directly with promoting the delivery of nic through vaping instead of cancer-sticks.

I'm going to push this one.
Why is it that the Labour Party and the Greens just don't get it and everyone else does?


Mark, it transpires that not one Green MEP sits on the ENVI committee. Plus, there's only one Labour MEP on the committee. The bulk is, by some margin, right-wing MEPs.

The breakdown is as follows:

  • Chris Davies - Lib Dem (voted against treating as medicines)
  • Rebecca Taylor- Lib Dem (voted against treating as medicines)
  • Jill Evans - Plaid Cymru
  • Nick Griffin - Fat Racists
  • Linda McAven - Labour
  • Glennis Willmott
  • Paul Nuttall - UKIP
  • Godfrey Bloom - UKIP
  • Vicky Ford - Conservative
  • Jaqueline Foster - Conservative
  • Julie Girling- Conservative
  • Struan Stevenson - Conservative
  • James Nicholson - Ulster Conservatives & Unionists-New Force
  • Marina Yannakoudakis - Conservative

ENVI Council Members
They are the UK MEPs , there are many European socialists and greens
The UK MEPs are the only ones we have the power to influence directly. :)
The UK MEPs are the only ones we have the power to influence directly. :)
True but we are all Europeans apparently .. Some are planning to write to thenlot of 'em. There is a breakdown of the committee and their party affiliations. Can't find it right now but it seems to be a pattern that the British Labour Party supports the medical route and its largely been Tories, lib Dems and predictably UKIP who don't.
True but we are all Europeans apparently .. Some are planning to write to thenlot of 'em. There is a breakdown of the committee and their party affiliations. Can't find it right now but it seems to be a pattern that the British Labour Party supports the medical route and its largely been Tories, lib Dems and predictably UKIP who don't.

It's the link I posted :)
Does anyone have any idea why the twats (sorry, Labour - bloody predictive texting) lot are against ecigs?
Easy to get Nick Griffin on board, tell the twat that e-cigs are a noble white tradition.

As for the article, it's very well put together, Chris Snowden is one of the good guys for sure.
Not once in the past 40 years have I voted for the Tories, but I reckon that might change the next time the opportunity arises.
Here's an email I just received from one of my MEPs, Julie Girling (bless her!):

Thank you for your email regarding the proposed legislation to amend current European law concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products ('the Tobacco Products Directive').

Various novel products have been brought into the scope of the proposed legislation, many of which make no use of tobacco. Among these novel products are e-cigarettes. Some in the European Parliament wish to follow the European Commission in classifying e-cigarettes as medicinal products and would regulate them under the Medicines Directive (2001/83/EC and associated legislation). This is inappropriate.

To classify e-cigarettes as medicinal products would limit their availability when a lethal alternative remains available in every corner shop. Classification of e-cigarettes as medicinal products would raise costs, reduce product diversity, slow down innovation, inhibit creativity and make the products less appealing to the very people we hope will switch to them. Tobacco product manufacturers would be protected from genuine competition and smokers would continue to die unnecessarily - surely an undesirable outcome.

It is not the case that E-cigarettes are currently unregulated. All products introduced to the EU single market must comply with an extensive framework of general consumer protection and safety legislation. This covers slight variations on old products and products which are genuinely new. It is incongruous to propose that the Tobacco Products Directive should set the legislative framework for a product which contains no tobacco. It is also inappropriate to propose that a product which makes no medicinal claim should be classified as a medicine and not as the general consumer product that it is.

The draftswoman leading this legislation through the European Parliament, Linda McAvan MEP, has come down heavily in favour of a burdensome and intrusive legislative framework. In contrast to this, British MEPs from the Conservative party have fought for a more sensible approach, submitting amendments that make the case for more appropriate legislation to reduce smoking rates and to save British lives. The Conservative and Liberal groups jointly submitted an Amendment to the legislative proposal calling for a light-touch regulatory approach to e-cigarettes. Unfortunately, this amendment fell in a Committee vote last Thursday 10th July. A rival amendment which favoured a medicinal approach to e-cigarettes drew sufficient support from the Socialist, Green and far-left groups to pass.

The dossier will now be voted on by the entire European Parliament in the autumn. It will be possible to submit amendments at this stage and Conservative MEPs will be working to gain support to ensure a sensible approach to legislation. Unfortunately, our own government's Department of Health supports the European Commission's approach to regulate e-cigarettes as medicines. It is vital that we build and demonstrate public support for e-cigarettes to change the policy of the Department of Health. To this end, I would encourage you to write to your Westminster MP to make your position on e-cigarettes known.

I can assure you I will continue to work to maintain the widespread availability and low prices of e-cigarettes.

Yours sincerely

Julie Girling
MEP for the South West of England & Gibraltar
Chief Whip of the UK Conservative Party Delegation in the European Parliament
Agriculture and Rural Development
Environment, Public Health & Food Safety
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