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Kayfun V4 Clone Arrived - Gobsmacked

Been using the one I brought off a fellow ape for a couple of days now and it's nice, I've one small niggle though. It leaks from the air holes after i close the juice control, any ideas why?
Been using the one I brought off a fellow ape for a couple of days now and it's nice, I've one small niggle though. It leaks from the air holes after i close the juice control, any ideas why?

Mine doesn't leak even with a full tank and the juice control left open!

Maybe a dodgy O ring?

Was this off Dr Manhattan as I remember he had this problem with one of his? Not sure if he found a fix?
Mine doesn't leak even with a full tank and the juice control left open!

Maybe a dodgy O ring?

Was this off Dr Manhattan as I remember he had this problem with one of his? Not sure if he found a fix?
Yeah, it was off Dr Manhattan. Any idea which seal I should be looking at? Everything else is good it just comes out the airholes when I close the juice, no other time [emoji20]
Yeah, it was off Dr Manhattan. Any idea which seal I should be looking at? Everything else is good it just comes out the airholes when I close the juice, no other time [emoji20]

Not rubbing salt in but mine has been so faultless I haven't had to tinker with it at all.

Maybe the genius Tubbyengineer could advise which O ring to check replace as I know he has taken his one to bits a few times :)
Not rubbing salt in but mine has been so faultless I haven't had to tinker with it at all.

Maybe the genius @Tubbyengineer could advise which O ring to check replace as I know he has taken his one to bits a few times :)

I've not had that problem with my original or the Moander clone but...
It sounds like the one around the square section in the juice flow control - the bit that the build deck is on that moves up and down in the base as you open and close the liquid control it's either damaged, loose or too thin - that is if it only happens when you open or close the liquid control, otherwise look at the chimney seal thats in the removable bit with the drip tip
Been using the one I brought off a fellow ape for a couple of days now and it's nice, I've one small niggle though. It leaks from the air holes after i close the juice control, any ideas why?

Don't know if you can search for my posts but i have posted how to fix the leaks, the main reason on all of mine was the NR; 16 and 18 o-ring, with my first 2 clones from FT i had same problem, than i got a tobeco one and that one was really nice, and than i fixed both my FT clones so now i have all 3 fully working, not to mention i just ordered an infinite clone too ;) i'm in love with the KF V4 and for now it's the only RBA i'm using and im starting to get rid of all others i had till now.
Don't know if you can search for my posts but i have posted how to fix the leaks, the main reason on all of mine was the NR; 16 and 18 o-ring, with my first 2 clones from FT i had same problem, than i got a tobeco one and that one was really nice, and than i fixed both my FT clones so now i have all 3 fully working, not to mention i just ordered an infinite clone too ;) i'm in love with the KF V4 and for now it's the only RBA i'm using and im starting to get rid of all others i had till now.

I Generaly use the app on a pokey little screen so search is pretty much a no go area. I'll look into those 2 rings (do you know if they generaly come In the bag of spares?)
I Generaly use the app on a pokey little screen so search is pretty much a no go area. I'll look into those 2 rings (do you know if they generaly come In the bag of spares?)

Yes they do but if it leaks with the once you have on it may leak with the spare once too, try to change them with you spare once and see if it works if not try to get a spare kit, i don't know if anyone in UK sells it but this is the one i get and trust me its worth the money, you get everything you need in it.
Might have to make do with a leaky one for now then, cheers for the heads up on the oring situation everyone [emoji106] [emoji2]
Now listen, I could be a bit previous here but I ordered these for my 2 Kayfuns...

I replaced #16 and #18. No leaks here so far.

The thing to note is when you're tightening the base section together (when it's taken apart), if there's movement/play in the upper deck section then you're not getting a good seal from the o-ring. With these new ones they seem nice and snug and the silicone is soft enough to create a good seal with out making things too tight.

If you don't hear back from me on this consider it job done ;)
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