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Keep vapes out of sight in shops

At the very least I think an obvious first step would be a big on the spot fine for anyone caught throwing them in the street.
At the very least I think an obvious first step would be a big on the spot fine for anyone caught throwing them in the street.
I agree.
But then you’d have to get the people to enforce it, and even having got that you would have to get the general populous to take notice of the people doing the enforcing rather than teaming up on them, kicking them round the floor like an old birthday balloon and uploading it to Facebook.
I could, and do, take precisely the same issue with McDonald’s, KFC, Coca Cola, Greggs and almost every high street food and drink brand going. I live in the arse end of nowhere and almost all the rubbish I see littered on the country roads are from less than a dozen high street brands. All down to human laziness and the unwillingness to keep the rubbish in their cars until they get home, rather electing to launch it out of their windows when nobody is looking.

Great plan, but it most likely would not work. The cull would though. :18:
I agree.
But then you’d have to get the people to enforce it, and even having got that you would have to get the general populous to take notice of the people doing the enforcing rather than teaming up on them, kicking them round the floor like an old birthday balloon and uploading it to Facebook.
I could, and do, take precisely the same issue with McDonald’s, KFC, Coca Cola, Greggs and almost every high street food and drink brand going. I live in the arse end of nowhere and almost all the rubbish I see littered on the country roads are from less than a dozen high street brands. All down to human laziness and the unwillingness to keep the rubbish in their cars until they get home, rather electing to launch it out of their windows when nobody is looking.

Great plan, but it most likely would not work. The cull would though. :18:
I see what you mean, unfortunately it would still be better than nothing, a few days ago I saw a dickhead throw an empty disposable on the floor when he was literally leaning on a bin.
Just threw it away like a fag end without a thought.

Also about fast food waste. The small rock that I live on has none of the major fast food chains like McDonald's or pizza hut.
There was a burger King when I was a teenager but the littering got so bad that the states (our local government) imposed a big fine on burger King every month until they packed up and fucked off.
I see what you mean, unfortunately it would still be better than nothing, a few days ago I saw a dickhead throw an empty disposable on the floor when he was literally leaning on a bin.
Just threw it away like a fag end without a thought.

Also about fast food waste. The small rock that I live on has none of the major fast food chains like McDonald's or pizza hut.
There was a burger King when I was a teenager but the littering got so bad that the states (our local government) imposed a big fine on burger King every month until they packed up and fucked off.

I like that idea, and wish that they would impose it up here but alas that would never fly. I definitely believe they should be held accountable though, and I’ll happily point the finger at McDonald’s moreso, because every McDonalds I’ve ever come across has an area surrounding it covered in litter. It’s disgusting.

Back to the Vapes and again, I agree. But that could have been a food wrapper, a fag end, a bag of dog shit…… the list goes on.

Still vote cull myself. :angrymob:
I like that idea, and wish that they would impose it up here but alas that would never fly. I definitely believe they should be held accountable though, and I’ll happily point the finger at McDonald’s moreso, because every McDonalds I’ve ever come across has an area surrounding it covered in litter. It’s disgusting.

Back to the Vapes and again, I agree. But that could have been a food wrapper, a fag end, a bag of dog shit…… the list goes on.

Still vote cull myself. :angrymob:
Well the reason I mentioned it is the idea is transferable, maybe not in the UK but here. If the retailers selling them we're fined for the littering they'd soon stop selling them.
Well the reason I mentioned it is the idea is transferable, maybe not in the UK but here. If the retailers selling them we're fined for the littering they'd soon stop selling them.

that can’t really work though, as the same disposables are sold in an array of different independent shops. it’s not like a mcdonald’s package, which you know was purchased from mcdonald’s and you can hold them responsible for.
it’s all a bit shit.

hopefully they will ban something, so’s i can go outside and not see these fuckers in various states of smashedness littered around the pavement.

tbh from a personal point of view i wouldnt even care if they ban flavours. it would be quite sad to see responsible retailers and makers going out of business due to the selfish greed of the more powerful parts of the industry though.
that can’t really work though, as the same disposables are sold in an array of different independent shops. it’s not like a mcdonald’s package, which you know was purchased from mcdonald’s and you can hold them responsible for.
On a small island it could work if each retailer selling them has to report how many are sold and pay a proportional amount of the fine
I like that idea, and wish that they would impose it up here but alas that would never fly. I definitely believe they should be held accountable though, and I’ll happily point the finger at McDonald’s moreso, because every McDonalds I’ve ever come across has an area surrounding it covered in litter. It’s disgusting.

Back to the Vapes and again, I agree. But that could have been a food wrapper, a fag end, a bag of dog shit…… the list goes on.

Still vote cull myself. :angrymob:

Im coming round to this cull idea..... there's too many people in Asda on a Saturday, the Chinese takeaway delivery line is always engaged, there's not enough Russian brides and too many Tories:)
Im coming round to this cull idea..... there's too many people in Asda on a Saturday, the Chinese takeaway delivery line is always engaged, there's not enough Russian brides and too many Tories:)
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