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Leaking Burnt Taste Help!


Apr 18, 2013
Hi all,

Just a quickie. I have a basically a rebranded Ego Set up.

I bought some new Clearomizers from here last week, pretty much bought the cheapest ones on the marketplace.

Stuck my first one on yesterday with some new liquid (Waves of Vapour Raspberry Raffles - Very nice!). Today I've started getting the burnt taste... I've had a a leak as well, it was all over my fingers....

Is this just because I bought cheap clearomizers? I certainly expected more than a day's use out of them?

I'm a total noob (as some of you already know), so any advice gratefully received!


Charlie x
Hi charlotl, i'm not sure why your clearo' is leaking but I think the burnt taste might be because its probably got a top coil (if you bought the cheapest) and you need to keep tipping them to get the juice to the coil. I started off using clearomizers with a coil at the top and just couldn't get them to work properly so I bought a Kanker T3 clearomizer and the difference was massive! So i'd suggest you spend a little more and buy a Kanger T3 or an Kanger Evod clearomized they arnt that expensive about £5-6 and you can buy new coils so you don't need to keep buying the whole thing, so works out a lot cheaper :)
hi charlie

as a newbie,and i know this may not be what you want to hear, but the in thing at the mo is the evod...newbies and long term vapers using em and theyre great...and feminine too in the right colour so for me id say,from experience,ditch the cheap clearos and get an evod...quite a few vendors doing them...theyre only 5 quid odd from anyone and as said theyre great...rebuldable too or extra heads are cheap as chips...id say just bite the bullet and get one :)
When you fill them, try not to pour juice into the centre pillar/hole, that could be where the leak is coming from, as it would spill straight through onto the battery.
as mentioned above you may have to tilt it to get the juice on the wicks to avoid the burnt taste, or perhaps fill it with a bit more juice.
Hi Charlie, I'm with the Jester on that one. I'm also a newbie (6 weeks and counting) and have primarily been using CE4/5s up till now. I've not had the leaking issue, but I did have one where the tank split from the bottom metal ring which caused a full tank of amaretto to soak into the bum of my jeans! I've just today taken posession of my first Evod thanks to advice on here and so far it's excellent. It's very easy to fill, and vapes brilliantly with tonnes more flavour and vapour than either the CE4s or CE5s. It sits well on top of an ego 650mah battery, and is about the same size as a CE4. The atomisers are really cheap and are apparently very easy to re-wick and re-coil. I'll definitely be investing in a few more, if only so I can have a pink one and a green one and a red one and a.........
Hello and welcome charlotl another pro evod post and if you get one for your ego go for the lower ohm 1.8 one as you will get a better result than the 2.5ohm on an ego
Hi, I've also been using ce4s and ce5s and they are hit or miss, 1 may work great for a day or two and another may leak from the start.
I've ordered a kanger evod which should arrive today hopefully :-)
Purchased from www.health-e-vape.co.uk he was the best price as for small items its a 99p postage.
not too bad but doesnt look like you have the choice of colours like other vendors :(
Thanks for the help and advice all, seems pretty conclusive! I'm a bit scared about wicking and having to do stuff, hence the cheapy CE4's . I have no idea what an evod is but going to look now. I like simplicity. So at the moment it's just a clearomizer and a battery and I'm set. Will do some research thanks all.
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