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Matt Hancock

Yep, not knocking you chap. That's the first one I've heard of, which is good. Hopefully people will get their handouts before business go to the wall and homes get taken away.
I think at least in some cases it’s down to how on the ball the local councils are - as far as I know it’s all been released to local councils
Clearly I've had way to much time recently to live inside my head, but will it?

I wonder if this is finally the push people need to see their actual value in the world and how it has been robbed from them for lifetimes...while some wanky twat in a top hat profits from their misery? I kinda figure that if this doesn't push people over the edge to see reality then we really are doomed as a planet.

A Home Secretary who has hidden away for a fortnight to avoid responsibility for anything, a Health Secretary who has actually increased death rates, a dithering PM who accelerated the death rate by not implementing any fucking humane policy - I mean, fuck, if these people aren't dangling from fucking lamposts by June something is seriously fucked up.

Clap for the fat cunt? He needs stabbing in the fucking arsehole.
Top hat.
I fuckin knew that mr monopoly was robbing me.
you do wonder if the power's that he have looked at the initial figures of the elderly being mainly hit as a bit of a perfect situation for them.
it's a clusterfuck for sure.
At times like these we need a hero.

It might not be the hero we want, but it will be the hero we need.

Just my 10cents, Hancock does these televised questions and answers telling us to stay home and protect the NHS. He himself is going against what he preaches by not making sure the NHS are fully equipped with PPE. The buck stops with him, These Doctors and Nurses are putting there lives on the line, surely they deserve better.
Just my 10cents, Hancock does these televised questions and answers telling us to stay home and protect the NHS. He himself is going against what he preaches by not making sure the NHS are fully equipped with PPE. The buck stops with him, These Doctors and Nurses are putting there lives on the line, surely they deserve better.
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