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Original or Clone?

I wouldn't want to be a member on their tbh, I'm not stupid paying for overpriced gear, I'm a bit more cleaver ;)

you say over priced but in a post earlier you say you can afford the real deal
most real attys cost around £100 ish CNCed made IE Dome-Kayfun 3.1-Taifun GT. So for a man sat on a lathe at home is it not worth another £30. I guess not in your case.

Don't get me wrong I fully understand why PPL by Clones maybe skint etc, and as cynical as this sounds it was me who has introduced Jayball and helping put a clone kit together
Nem-kayfun-batteries-charger £80 clone price, £210 real deal, As i want him to like it before he splashes out. So I do see both sides.

Is that contradicting maybe it is, maybe its not who the fucks knows.

and for the record you no longer need to be on the pit to buy a HF, Since Darren packed his job in novemeber and went full time modder with a website :)
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I wouldn't want to be a member on their tbh, I'm not stupid paying for overpriced gear, I'm a bit more cleaver ;)
Very cleaver you wouldn't want to be a member on their.
Please, does it really matter??!!

First world problems and all that. If it keeps people of the stinkies, then I dont care if they use diamond encrusted unicorn poo, or a straw laced in nicotine.

Remember, just because someone uses either a clone or a high end piece of kit, it doesnt make anyone better than anyone else.
Guys, this is a discussion, please don't turn it into a slanging match.

We are all entitled to opinions and it's great that PotV allows and encourages discussions. So don't spoil it and allow others their views.

Edit - and the prize for the slowest typer goes to...... Me!
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*sits back and waits for thread to be locked*
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