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Pandora MTL RTA by Yachtvape

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It's true ares 2 consumes more liquid per puffs compare to other mtl tanks?
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It's true ares 2 consumes more liquid per puffs compare to other mtl tanks?

It can be a little bit thirsty, yes.

What doesn't help imho is that there isn't much room between the glass & the bell chamber.

This tends to give the illusion that it goes through juice really quickly as this is where you can see your liquid level, when there is more room up in the top cap out of sight.

As others have said though it's probably the perfect starter rta to get the hang of building coils & wicking on.

Plus Innokin have 4 very good videos on using it here - https://www.innokin.com/tanks/ares-2-le/
OK, so i have to said it aloud, this atty is just bad. So bad that i had to send it back.This is the first time i sent back atty in 8 years. I tried more than 35 builds,each one tested on several setups of AFC, i found like two that weren't killing my lungs, vapor is somehow weird and never satisfying, highly irritating. Drinking liquid is common thing with this guy, thats where i suspect all the "good flavor" reviews are coming from. I understand that im more on the RDL side of the MTL vaping but seriously, any of those builds i tried runs great in KFL or KF5 even hastur mini handles any of it better. Burned lips are just the cherry topping of all of this. If you are on the tight MTL side, you may enjoy this, i dont know , but this atty is falsely claiming to be universal....and its not. That chimney diameter is just too tight to provide with any good RDL, it doesnt matter how many holes you provide under coil and out at intake if you let it be pulled thru tightest tube like this. My 2 cents. Precisio ordered.
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OK, so i have to said it aloud, this atty is just bad. So bad that i had to send it back.This is the first time i sent back atty in 8 years. I tried more than 35 builds,each one tested on several setups of AFC, i found like two that weren't killing my lungs, vapor is somehow weird and never satisfying, highly irritating. Drinking liquid is common thing with this guy, thats where i suspect all the "good flavor" reviews are coming from. I understand that im more on the RDL side of the MTL vaping but seriously, any of those builds i tried runs great in KFL or KF5 even hastur mini handles any of it better. Burned lips are just the cherry topping of all of this. If you are on the tight MTL side, you may enjoy this, i dont know , but this atty is falsely claiming to be universal....and its not. That chimney diameter is just too tight to provide with any good RDL, it doesnt matter how many holes you provide under coil and out at intake if you let it be pulled thru tightest tube like this. My 2 cents. Precisio ordered.
I'm inclined to agree. This rta is definitely overrated. Poor build quality, leaky, and hard to wick. It allows no wiggle room for error imo. I've barely touched it since I got my pioneer. It's not built for rdl though. I don't know why you'd buy an mtl rta for rdl.
It's not brilliant, but I don't mind it. Goes well with me Z50 as a day to day vape when I'm out and about. Discreet set up, and I'm not mithering over dropping it. Serves a purpose.
I'm inclined to agree. This rta is definitely overrated. Poor build quality, leaky, and hard to wick. It allows no wiggle room for error imo. I've barely touched it since I got my pioneer. It's not built for rdl though. I don't know why you'd buy an mtl rta for rdl.

Im that kind of vaper, and im not completely rare tbh. I started with e-go, than duals came and whole DL,and then i realized that vaping that is more breathing exercise than relax and moved to 10-20W MTL used as RDL(well, i pull kinda like dl against atty and i expect to feel resistance of device, but than i also inhale some clean air afterwards and exhale like cigarette) . If you check most new MTL are sold as "offers range from tight MTL to restricted DL". And many can. But this one sucks big time.Manufacturer use it on his website : "pure MTL to DTL(lite)" but hell no. I understand that my range is mostly represented by KF3mini, KF5,Skyline and similar, but KFL19, runs my builds nicely if not best. And its MTL as hell.But yes, it is not pure and true tootsie sucker like Hastur mini, which i really enjoy as MTL(and vaped as MTL). But pandora is just bad, i tried, i really tried to use it as MTL, but to no avail., i was focused on Pandora, Pioneer,Dvarw and Precisio, but should start probably with any other than pandora :D Sorry for my terrible English, not native.
Im that kind of vaper, and im not completely rare tbh. I started with e-go, than duals came and whole DL,and then i realized that vaping that is more breathing exercise than relax and moved to 10-20W MTL used as RDL(well, i pull kinda like dl against atty and i expect to feel resistance of device, but than i also inhale some clean air afterwards and exhale like cigarette) . If you check most new MTL are sold as "offers range from tight MTL to restricted DL". And many can. But this one sucks big time.Manufacturer use it on his website : "pure MTL to DTL(lite)" but
Im that kind of vaper, and im not completely rare tbh. I started with e-go, than duals came and whole DL,and then i realized that vaping that is more breathing exercise than relax and moved to 10-20W MTL used as RDL(well, i pull kinda like dl against atty and i expect to feel resistance of device, but than i also inhale some clean air afterwards and exhale like cigarette) . If you check most new MTL are sold as "offers range from tight MTL to restricted DL". And many can. But this one sucks big time.Manufacturer use it on his website : "pure MTL to DTL(lite)" but hell no. I understand that my range is mostly represented by KF3mini, KF5,Skyline and similar, but KFL19, runs my builds nicely if not best. And its MTL as hell.But yes, it is not pure and true tootsie sucker like Hastur mini, which i really enjoy as MTL(and vaped as MTL). But pandora is just bad, i tried, i really tried to use it as MTL, but to no avail., i was focused on Pandora, Pioneer,Dvarw and Precisio, but should start probably with any other than pandora :D Sorry for my terrible English, not
Im that kind of vaper, and im not completely rare tbh. I started with e-go, than duals came and whole DL,and then i realized that vaping that is more breathing exercise than relax and moved to 10-20W MTL used as RDL(well, i pull kinda like dl against atty and i expect to feel resistance of device, but than i also inhale some clean air afterwards and exhale like cigarette) . If you check most new MTL are sold as "offers range from tight MTL to restricted DL". And many can. But this one sucks big time.Manufacturer use it on his website : "pure MTL to DTL(lite)" but hell no. I understand that my range is mostly represented by KF3mini, KF5,Skyline and similar, but KFL19, runs my builds nicely if not best. And its MTL as hell.But yes, it is not pure and true tootsie sucker like Hastur mini, which i really enjoy as MTL(and vaped as MTL). But pandora is just bad, i tried, i really tried to use it as MTL, but to no avail., i was focused on Pandora, Pioneer,Dvarw and Precisio, but should start probably with any other than pandora :D Sorry for my terrible English, not native.
I wouldn't exany rta a manufacturer describes as pure mtl to rdl lite to be anything other than an extremely restrictive dtl. As for your English, it's good. No apology required!
I wouldn't expect any rta described by the manufacturer as pure mtl to rdl lite to be anything other than an extremely restrictive dtl. As for your English, it's good! No apology required!!
I don't use mine, no where near as good as anything else I own, thats vaping for you though, you can't always like everything that is on the market.
Getting good flavour and middle of road air, not tight, not loose. Simple to setup. Not my fav by far but good performance from both of mine.
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