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Pandora MTL RTA by Yachtvape

I was wondering this. I love my Precisio, and thought they looked similar. I don’t need anymore RTAs though... I’m hoping the ‘anal fissure’ association will do the trick to put me off :D

Ha ha yeah. Glad you are getting on with the RTA’s though. They are very alike in looks. Do I need it? Absolutely not. I tend to sit up and listen when @eyeball kid, ZT and Rew rate a tank though. [emoji3]
Still loving it ....

cant wait for the second one ...
Honestly - 9 times out of 10 I’m disappointed with almost every atomiser I try.

and all of them have some sort of quirk that winds me up.

even my laid to rest beloved herons had their issues (not least of which was condensation under the drip tip) - a trait shared with the glas mini (although to a lesser degree).

the true is good - but I occasionally get a leak.

the KFL was hit and miss wether you got a good vape, a dry hit or a leak.

I’ve yet to find an issue on this .... maybe the airflow ring can be a pain to get back on when it comes off .... or maybe I’m just looking for something to be wrong.

it doesn’t even leak when I top fill it - I always bottom fill the glaz because of that.

Colour me impressed so far.
Tempted to pick one of these up,,, but I’ve got got a Swag 2 from LPV. And a new pair of gloves & boots for the bike...... I’ll be swinging from the rafters if I do so I’d better refrain for now........ :28:
Yeah. Tight as a drum. I've started too filling too as my confidence is that high and zero leaks.
Honestly cant.find fault either, unusually it even looks good.
As above I've ordered a second. Not sure if I will get it as my order has gone awol (payed for but not registered at nature vape) have to sort that before they all go.
As ZT says, nothing to not like about this tank. Has been as good as gold. Love the airflow on this one and flavour is up there with the best.
First thoughts on the 1.2ohm mtl coils for the target pm80 for anyone who's keeping score.
Flavours excellent, really good. Left open it's an airy mtl and a tad loud. Pop one of the restictor plugs in and your laughing. Very good at 10w.
+1 for the service from Mark at naturevape.
spent till gone one am sorting my awol pandora order. Been an occasional customer over the year's for bits and Bob's but great to know when something goes awry they go the extra mile to sort.
top fella.
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