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Panorama On Teenage Vaping

Something that is not often considered with teenage vaping...
Parents for Vapes? Why Some Are Buying Them for Their Teens
“One shift I have seen is with parents and even grandparents sanctioning vapes as a ‘lesser evil’ in comparison to other ‘poisons’ such as drugs, alcohol and even energy drinks,” he told Filter. Parents, he said, often tell him, “I know I shouldn’t let them have one, but I rather they vaped than…”
Marc Slis, a vape shop owner and tobacco harm reduction advocate in Michigan, tweeted that he had educated his kids on “all aspects of vaping” with “actual facts, no lying, scare tactics.” Having quit cigarettes himself with the help of vapes, he stated that he’d rather his kids vape if the alternative is “deadly smoking.”
“My stance as a parent is one of telling our children the truth, educating them to make informed choices and hopefully choosing lower-risk alternatives to the deadliest product on the market, no matter their age.”
Seems like stating the obvious to me...
That`s a point of view that you hardly ever, if at all see considered in all the polls, studies or articles, parents are the custodians of their children until the age of majority, it`s a conversation I touched on with my 10 year old grand daughter the other week when she asked if vaping was the same as smoking, and why my house didn`t "stink" whilst her smoking brothers house did. I was a little surprised that she had such a "mature" oversight.
it’s a shame society is so twisted and at the mercy of propaganda, otherwise a rational argument like this one might work.
I suppose droning on about vaping and looking at restrictions on it is a lot easier than doing anything about the state the NHS is in, but yeah it's a no brainer that teenagers are better off vaping than smoking.
the counter argument is that many of the teenage vapers wouldn’t have been smoking in the first place.
Smoking will make you die a horrible, lingering death.
Vaping will help to stop it.
That's all that needs to be repeated after every anti vaping article.
but we are beset by temperance society types, angry daily mail reading bigots and other unsavoury characters. god forbid any cunt having a way of quitting smoking that is actually fun. we should all be miserable all the time like these insufferable fuckers.

pardon my french. :)
the counter argument is that many of the teenage vapers wouldn’t have been smoking in the first place.
From the Royal College of Physicians -
Many of the other counter-arguments are, quite frankly, nonsense. ‘Vaping is addicting a whole new generation of young people to nicotine’. There is no evidence that vaping leads to smoking. It is far more likely that there is a ‘common liability’ to try a range of substances in adolescence.14 If it is only vaping, then why do we care about nicotine use, in itself a relatively low harm substance? Is it that, morally, we do not like the idea of dependence or is it that we struggle with harm perceptions that distort clinical reasoning? Assessment of relative risk, or relative harm, is complex. People struggle to comprehend a distant possible risk to health from vaping, even if likely very low, compared with the very high risk of tobacco smoking. This counter-intuitive position could lead people to continue to smoke tobacco, knowingly harmful, rather than switch to something that is likely far less harmful, but ‘unknown’. However, qualified clinicians should be able to think this through logically, assess the available scientific evidence and give clear advice about stopping smoking by vaping to prevent the very real risk to health that continued smoking poses to patients. We must also be clear that the harm from tobacco does not come from the nicotine. Despite this, large proportions of UK smokers and ex-smokers overestimate the relative harmfulness of e-cigarettes compared with smoking, and much of this misperception might result from views on nicotine that translate to reticence to switch to less harmful nicotine-containing products.15
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