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Parliament Petition: Don’t ban flavoured e-liquids for e-cigarettes

Is this around 12% of the total UK Vapers, 26k sounds good but we have over 3 Million Vapers who still haven't bothered signing.
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Fixed Penalty Notices for employees As part of a case study for a new research report on the ‘Enforcement Landscape for the Vape Sector’, a manager for North Lanarkshire Council Trading Standards highlighted that, in Scotland, both the business owner and the employee who carried out the transaction can be given an FPN in the event a vape is sold to a minor. She explained that such an approach can help deter underage sales as a triple digit fine - £200 (reduced to £140 if paid within 14 days) in the first instance - is a significant amount for a junior employee to pay out and so they would be less likely to take the risk. A similar approach should be adopted as part of this licensing scheme. Whenever a retailer is fined for an offence, the responsible employee should be issued an FPN of £200 (reduced to £140 if paid within 14 days).

No fooker will want to work in a vape shop :hmm:

That completely ignores the main issue facing vaping which is a flavour ban and those involved in this show no or little interest in opposing it such as getting vapers to sign the petition to parliament and to write their MP.
Is this around 12% of the total UK Vapers, 26k sounds good but we have over 3 Million Vapers who still haven't bothered signing.
Because they dont know, next time I'm around vapers, which will be primarily D users I'll have a chat. Fact is most people (out socialising) dont want to talk about vaping, esp. to an old chunt like me.
Is this around 12% of the total UK Vapers, 26k sounds good but we have over 3 Million Vapers who still haven't bothered signing.

I was just chatting about this in another group (BTW, 26K is about 0.5% of UK Vapers). Ecigone have a mailing list size of 50,000. I suspect that's the entire size of the number of vapers who will have heard anything about the petition so far. 50,000 is a bit over 1% of UK Vapers.

It's going to be down to B&M's and the likes of us telling every vaper we know and getting them to spread the word.
That completely ignores the main issue facing vaping which is a flavour ban and those involved in this show no or little interest in opposing it such as getting vapers to sign the petition to parliament and to write their MP.
The UKVIA see the "save the children" spiel as their business model to expand, take control, whatever the fuck - I'm running out of words and patience with those chunts. Whilst many of the vendors, businesses and companies (who've paid and signed up to them) do give a shit about vapers, I view the UKVIA hierarchy as snakes, we're nothing to them. Just like we're nothing to our local/ county councils who bleed us dry for what? Gold plated pensions and not much else. The UKVIA is not run by vapers for vapers, that's the problem, when have they ever held focus groups and the like, talking to new, old vapers and seasoned hobbyists, I venture rarely, if at all. Those fuckers should be on here, taking questions, getting involved - just like any other business. They wont come on here because there's no need, and they know we'll find the fuckers out.
I was just chatting about this in another group (BTW, 26K is about 0.5% of UK Vapers). Ecigone have a mailing list size of 50,000. I suspect that's the entire size of the number of vapers who will have heard anything about the petition so far. 50,000 is a bit over 1% of UK Vapers.

It's going to be down to B&M's and the likes of us telling every vaper we know and getting them to spread the word.

I've had loads of emails from vendors to sign the petition, many are already doing their bit, there's still plenty of time.
I've had loads of emails from vendors to sign the petition, many are already doing their bit, there's still plenty of time.

Yes, me too. Emails are only reaching a small percentage of vapers. 90% of the vapers I know have never bought online. I think the mailing list size of a large vendor like Ecigone is a good indocation of the reach of the online approach. Even if it is double that, there's still 4.4 million that have no clue, and will only be reached through B&M/word of mouth unless a large public campaign is mounted.
The UKVIA see the "save the children" spiel as their business model to expand, take control, whatever the fuck - I'm running out of words and patience with those chunts. Whilst many of the vendors, businesses and companies (who've paid and signed up to them) do give a shit about vapers, I view the UKVIA hierarchy as snakes, we're nothing to them. Just like we're nothing to our local/ county councils who bleed us dry for what? Gold plated pensions and not much else. The UKVIA is not run by vapers for vapers, that's the problem, when have they ever held focus groups and the like, talking to new, old vapers and seasoned hobbyists, I venture rarely, if at all. Those fuckers should be on here, taking questions, getting involved - just like any other business. They wont come on here because there's no need, and they know we'll find the fuckers out.

It's a last desperate attempt to self regulate and keep control
The Brexit Bus probably isn't doing much these days, we could repurpose that... at least to get Londoners attention.

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