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Parliament Petition: Don’t ban flavoured e-liquids for e-cigarettes

Sorry, that sounds too much like 'trendy' pro-drugs clap trap when you're missing the point of what those kind of spiked vapes are designed to do.

The case in Eltham really highlights the fact that some of these drug dealers are deliberately making these vapes strong enough to try and get kids hooked and generate more regular users with a drug dependancy. They're making them the latest trendy 'gateway' drug and they know full well what they're hoping to acheive when they give things like that out to school age teenagers.

Drug dealers have always used tactics like that but now they are doing it with vapes which now brings an additional new threat to everyone involved with vaping when Jo public sees how dangerous you can make them.

Idiots in the media are too stupid to make the connection. If someone had dropped a pill into a pint of lager and spiked it with an illegal substance the media would be talking about the 'DRUG' and not the pint of lager. But when someone effectively does the same thing with a spiked vape the media were focused on the vape instead of the drug.

I challenge any of you to go back and look at the actual news reports in the media after the Eltham incident. They brought in so-called 'experts' who only talked about the dangers of vaping and totally forgot all about the illegal drug that someone had filled them with.
At the time JMK wrote his treatise we were an industrial nation, he didn`t foresee Maggie Thatcher coming along and the collapse of ... well everything.
Sorry, that sounds too much like 'trendy' pro-drugs clap trap when you're missing the point of what those kind of spiked vapes are designed to do.

The case in Eltham really highlights the fact that some of these drug dealers are deliberately making these vapes strong enough to try and get kids hooked and generate more regular users with a drug dependancy. They're making them the latest trendy 'gateway' drug and they know full well what they're hoping to acheive when they give things like that out to school age teenagers.

Drug dealers have always used tactics like that but now they are doing it with vapes which now brings an additional new threat to everyone involved with vaping when Jo public sees how dangerous you can make them.

Idiots in the media are too stupid to make the connection. If someone had dropped a pill into a pint of lager and spiked it with an illegal substance the media would be talking about the 'DRUG' and not the pint of lager. But when someone effectively does the same thing with a spiked vape the media were focused on the vape instead of the drug.

I challenge any of you to go back and look at the actual news reports in the media after the Eltham incident. They brought in so-called 'experts' who only talked about the dangers of vaping and totally forgot all about the illegal drug that someone had filled them with.

I am not aware of the case you are referring to, so can't really comment on that, but the flipside is that people can vape certain drugs these days, instead of smoking them (so can take them without the harm of combustion).
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I am not aware of the case you are referring to, so can't really comment on that, but the flipside is that people can vape certain drugs these days, instead of smoking them (so can take them without the harm of combustion).
this is the case it's all over the news "Zombie Vapes" perfect when someone spikes a bottle of juice world goes crazy. so we should ban vapes ban spice ban kids ban ban ban

this is the case it's all over the news "Zombie Vapes" perfect when someone spikes a bottle of juice world goes crazy. so we should ban vapes ban spice ban kids ban ban ban

"We understand that these vape products may be described to those buying them as containing THC which is a compound found in cannabis. In recent weeks, four vapes have been sent for testing and all were found to contain the drug spice rather than THC."
They obviously didn't use reputable dealers... 😉
I am not aware of the case you are referring to, so can't really comment on that, but the flipside is that people can vape certain drugs these days, instead of smoking them (so can take them without the harm of combustion).

This was the story that happened two weeks ago. I've been seeing similar stories for the last couple of years where school kids are being given vapes that have been spiked with the drug 'Spice'. It made the national TV news but when their so-called expert spoke on telly all she talked about was what she considered the "dangers of vaping" and never said a word about the drug these vapes had been filled with.

Like I said, if someone had 'spiked' a pint of lager you wouldn't be talking about the dangers of 'Lager', you would focus on the drug it was spiked with.

The thing with empty vape pods and tanks is effectively they are just an empty space you can fill with whatever you like and not just e-liquid.

You could put sump oil in there if you chose to.

So what is to stop some drug dealers filling them with the kind of stuff that could hook more kids into becoming regular drug addicts?

More to the point, this only adds to the threat to vaping because of the negative perceptions it generates among the public who can't see the difference between a safe normal vape and one that can put a school kid into an induced coma.
.. forms of riskier drug use appear to be confined to a smaller cohort of users as compared to 15-20 years ago. Information about the lethality, effects, and testing methods for drugs is more prevalent than it ever was, and this has likely contributed to reducing riskier forms of consumption among young people.

Access to the supply of drugs has never been so easy with the internet, yet many young people appear to be reducing or opting out of substance use altogether. While there are a myriad of reasons that could account for this change, it is important to recognise the bigger picture about substance use among young people when moral panics are propagating in the media.
More to the point, this only adds to the threat to vaping because of the negative perceptions it generates among the public who can't see the difference between a safe normal vape and one that can put a school kid into an induced coma.
It is indeed true.. look what happened in the US over the EVALI outbreak...
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