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Parliament Petition: Don’t ban flavoured e-liquids for e-cigarettes

It is indeed true.. look what happened in the US over the EVALI outbreak...

Exactly. It's too easy to fill an empty vape with anything you want, regardless of the danger, and in the current political climate the last thing we need is politicians being handed easy excuses to attack vaping because of how some people are dangerously misusing them.
Bogan has been drinking the UKVIA kool-aid. In his latest build sesh, says everything will be fine, democracy will save flavours, no bother mate.. 😆
Bogan has been drinking the UKVIA kool-aid. In his latest build sesh, says everything will be fine, democracy will save flavours, no bother mate.. 😆
Could that be Bogan wishful thinking, what he knows about British Democracy could be written on the back of a postage stamp. And do people actually listen to him ?. I can only handle 2 minutes of the Tool.
Could that be Bogan wishful thinking, what he knows about British Democracy could be written on the back of a postage stamp. And do people actually listen to him ?. I can only handle 2 minutes of the Tool.

I can't manage 2 minutes of listening to Bogan. :)
At the time JMK wrote his treatise we were an industrial nation, he didn`t foresee Maggie Thatcher coming along and the collapse of ... well everything.

yes. logic says that a rich, advanced country that has outsourced industrial labour should have the highest proportion of leisure time. but instead we just have an even higher proportion of bullshit jobs.
yes. logic says that a rich, advanced country that has outsourced industrial labour should have the highest proportion of leisure time. but instead we just have an even higher proportion of bullshit jobs.
We also exported our best brains.
Could that be Bogan wishful thinking, what he knows about British Democracy could be written on the back of a postage stamp. And do people actually listen to him ?. I can only handle 2 minutes of the Tool.
Well, he is about to jump on a boat to the UK, and says a video on what we can do to save flavours will be released next week! I don't mind Bogan, seems like a good bloke, and if he has the answers, then all power to him. Can't help think he is out of touch with the reality of the situation tho, and has been drip fed trade body propaganda. Not forgetting, he is not just a reviewer, also owns a juice and hardware brand.
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That comes with it's own challenges, believe me! Sadly it's not just sitting around in your pants watching Netflix and eating crips whilst pretending to work!

That's why I think you should only ever do 80-90% of what you're capable of. If you give it 100% all the time it becomes expected of you. Save the extra 10-20% for when you need to appear to go above and beyond.
That's my MO
.. in the current political climate the last thing we need is politicians being handed easy excuses to attack vaping...
Or simply lie, as is the case in Aus...

A new low in anti-vape scaremongering​

Like many “public health” academics in Australia, the self-described tobacco control advocate Kathryn Barnsley has switched her attention to e-cigarettes and has warned people to “look forward to unintended consequences” if they vape. According to Barnsley, these consequences include cancer, heart problems and lung disease. None of this is supported by the scientific literature but as evidence for the first claim, she has blown up a photo of a man’s mouth cancer which sadly killed him.

The study looked at the unusual case of a 19 year old American man whose tongue started swelling after he accidentally bit it. This developed into a large ulceration and he was subsequently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. Despite treatment, the cancer spread and he died six months later from a heart attack.
It is a horrible story but such cases are thankfully rare.
It's a bloody printing office for which anyone can get a banner.

And that yellowy-white stuff will be Tar.
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