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Parliament Petition: Don’t ban flavoured e-liquids for e-cigarettes

True, true that. Some of the anti lobby look and go in search of things to restrict.

Just because it is elevated in which you need signatures via email address. People do not want to give away personal information that would identify them in criteria for analytical dwellings.
Almost 0.5% of the constituency population have signed the thing, if that was replicated more widely 100,000 sigs (perhaps even a lot more) would be easily reached.

View attachment 350555
Doing better than mine. 😭

Hope this works trying to show my constituency with signs. Using pixel 4a and don't know how to resize photos on it.
Strange thing is that sometimes I get a slightly negative response.. like they're suspicious of it, or like you're asking them to sign their soul away or something...

maybe they’re worried someone will accuse them of being woke :)
maybe they’re worried someone will accuse them of being woke :)

That's why they make up these sh1tty little put down terms.
It's a way of controlling and intimidating weak minded idiots by the thought that some arsehole might call them a name. :omg:
Aberdeen North and South are doing pretty poorly. Not even 100 sigs each. I'm going to suggest to @andrew_vaping101 that he doesn't let people leave the shop until they sign it.
so a little experiment

on my recommended suppliers page i have 66 suppliers on page 1 (ive not enough time to check all the other pages yet).

out of those 66 only 6 have a banner or link to the petition
so well done Digbys, Drip Drop Vapour, Juice for Days, Legion of Vapes, Manabush and Vaping 101

and 3 who had blog posts after a search. Ace of Vapes, Legio X and Vape Potions.

So no wonder the petition is only at 40,120 so far.
so for the millions of vapers in the uk that dont watch the news or read papers i bet the majority of those millions have no idea what could be just around the corner.
There will be uproar once the shit hits the fan but then it will be too late and the majority of these shops could be forced to close down.
out of those 66 only 6 have a banner or link to the petition
Just thought I'd check Ecigwizard (they used to have a big user base back in the day, no idea if they still do), and no sign of banner on their home page (but have that super annoying allow push notifications pop-up - why do sites have that?)...

Nothing on Totally Wicked either...
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