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Picture of your battery wraps


Jan 9, 2020
A varper's collection is not only about the pretty and shiny mods and atties. For me nice protected batteries are even more important... even better when they are dressed for the occasion.

My normal wraps:
Minions for the 21700

Clear for the 18650

Curious to see other member's battery wraps.
this is my 1st battery wrap. Not perfect but done its job.r
I trim a couple of mm of those wraps now so they dont crease.
I dont have any fancy wraps juat translucent green 21700s and black 18650s. If I had a mod where I could see the battery then i'd want some nice wraps.


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I fancy some Pickle Rick wraps, but not found anywhere that currently has them in stock
Mine aren't worth posting as they are just plain colours. I used to get through quite a few battery wraps as they were always getting damaged and I would spend 4-5 quid a time on branded ones, but that got boring pretty quick!

Anyway, got a sh*t ton of them off Amazon last time for I can't remember how much but was under a tenner and I have only used 4 of them! never had to replace the first lot I used when I bought them about 6 months ago!!

So loads cheaper and much, much more durable (win). I got a life times supply here now. I'm battery wrap rich! woooo
Well, you just wanted to see battery wraps, you didn't specify they had to be on batteries.

I've got some Rick & Morty ones on their way but here's some of my favourites:

Removal instructions were in Chinese so I got a bit confucius and went too far


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