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POLL How long did it take you to stop smoking?

How long did it take you to stop smoking?

  • 1 Day

    Votes: 187 48.6%
  • 1 Week

    Votes: 61 15.8%
  • 1 Month

    Votes: 44 11.4%
  • 3 Months

    Votes: 20 5.2%
  • 6 Months or longer

    Votes: 43 11.2%
  • I still dual fuel

    Votes: 30 7.8%

  • Total voters
the rule is you got to want to really give up. I smoked for 27 years, vaped using an ego for a while went back to smoking because i didn't actually want to stop. I then decided that new year 2015 i was determined to stop smoking. So i finished my last pouch of Tobacco on Jan 5th picked up my vision spinner with protank and just went from there, not had a rolly or cigarette since and now own enough vapegear, mods tanks drippers, diy stuff rebuilding supplies batteries chargersnot to mention over 2 and a half litres of juice made up,
I did try to stop smoking a few times in years gone by but a my heart was never in to doing so and b the shite used for smoking cessation is useless
I see vaping as a hobby now instead of what smoking was which was a death penalty, a waste of money an addiction and no offence a disease.
So i will say you can stop straight away if your set on doing so and have the right tools at hand vapewise
I voted 3 months. The first month had the pair of 650 mAh Evods off Amazon sitting in their box untouched, followed by a couple of months of dual fuelling. Mixing smoking and vaping initially did allow time to pick up at least a few flavours of e-liquid that I could get on with, and add the longer battery life of an Innokin MVP to the arsenal.

i gotta admit for me i cut back drastically from day 1 but it was that 1st ciggie of the morning i still needed for about the first 3 months..

And the one after a meal.

My very last rollup was the straight out of bed pre-tea morning fag.
Walked into the vape shop a smoker, walked out a vaper ... it was as simple as that, so about 20 minutes, I guess.
50 years smoker here! Some colleagues at work vaped and a good mate showed me his gear and let me try them. Researched vaping then took a big decision last year not to stock up on cheaper cigs on a trip abroad where I'd been buying six months worth of organic fags at £2 a pack every 6 months. My mate recommended an eGo mini and friendly vape shop. Off I went. Tried out all sorts of devices and juices and came away with an eGo Mega and 50ml of various juices. Sub ohmed from the start. After an hour I tried one fag and hated it. No fags since and not even tempted. Started on 12mg and now on 3mg and zero. Amazed how easy it was.
So my vote was one day [emoji5]
Made up my mind to quit after losing my Dad from smoking related cancer. I had numerous failed attempts with the NHS approved methods so I thought why not give the E-Cig a go.
Visited a well known high street retailer and was helped enormously with my choice based on my needs.
Finished my last tab at 18.00 on that day and started with my new E-Cig but still had a full pack of tabs in my glovebox, just in case. Fast forward 10 months and I have 4 mods and mix my own and have not touched a tab. Has it been easy, NO,but it has been a hell of a lot easier then patches, gum, tablets etc which in my opinion are not fit for purpose which left me relapsing to my old ways after a couple of hellish months of abstinence.
I must be one of the rare people on here who still loves the smell of cigarettes (and my trusty Zippo). I guess a 30+ year, 20+ a day habit is hard to let go. In case your wondering, that unopened packet of tabs is still in my car and I hope it stays that way.
I packed the tabs in on new years day 2014. Went cold turkey for a week, then bought a crappy E-Lite cig a like. Went through all the crappy kits before buying my first proper mod an Innokin MVP and tank. Eleven whole watts of power IIRC.
The rest is history. I put one day on your poll.
I thought about giving up for a few months then one day i went to town with my 11 year old daughter who said "Dad, when you gonna give up smoking" so i bought a crappy ecig kit from asda for £15.
I didnt even know about clearomisers so when taste went bad i took it back and exchanged for another then the clearomiser cracked so took it back and got my money back.

Walked up to the local totally wicked and bought the egrip 40w with delta tank and couldnt believe the difference.

So nearly a year now and all cos my daughter asked "why not"
And of course after a lot of reading and youtubing and POTVing im a lot wiser about vaping so a big thanks to everyone on here for any advice , deals , trades etc

Best thing i ever did
I had a friend who quit smoking using e-cigs and I thought if she can do it so can I and from my first vape never touched a ciggie since, over two years now and both my sons did the same. We are now a non smoking family!!
I stopped smoking the same day I started using my Cool Fire IV Plus, so just the one day I guess hehe ;)
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