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POLL How long did it take you to stop smoking?

How long did it take you to stop smoking?

  • 1 Day

    Votes: 186 48.4%
  • 1 Week

    Votes: 61 15.9%
  • 1 Month

    Votes: 44 11.5%
  • 3 Months

    Votes: 20 5.2%
  • 6 Months or longer

    Votes: 43 11.2%
  • I still dual fuel

    Votes: 30 7.8%

  • Total voters
Many say they stopped smoking the very day they started vaping,how long did it take you?
thats about it. ive been a on off smoker for donkeys years.one day a mate gave me a mtl pen he didnt use .An i thought wow this is just the thing i can still enjoy nicotine without the danger and cost..within a few weeks i researched and bought better stuff tho , A sub mod and rta... i like the diy experimentation of home made coils side of vaping.
It took me one week to quit smoking but just because I've tried to quit instantly. Friend of mine told me that I have to quit it in phases which I did. 1st week I smoked 2cigs a day along with my vape, not at once, tho.. After that week I dropped cigs away and tried not to smoke cigs at all - that was hard af. But I kept myself and avoided any smokes from outside or whatever (My goal was to try to forget the smell and taste of smoke from cig). After that week I've tried to smoke one cig and the taste was awful, I felt pressured after smoking it and all in all I didn't like it. After that I never came back to cigs and it took me 1 week to understand that I don't need it!
When I was diagnosed with copd 7 years ago the doctor told me that there was no cure but if I stopped smoking immediately it would not get worse. That was all I needed to literally throw my fags into the bin and seek an alternative means of getting my fix. I was on the nicotine lozenges for about 2 months and they were doing the job but I still missed the smoking "process" of drawing in and blowing out smoke. That is when I bagan to research vaping and I have never looked back
With me it was just an overlap between buying the e-cig kit and finishing the last pack of cigs I had bought.
6 years ago, bought hubby a vape, then thought better get one myself to use with him. Had no plan to stop but a diagnosis of COPD for him was concerning. We both...er....smoked a bit more than just tobacco. Much to our amazement we both preferred vaping, and gave up roll ups/spiffs within a few days and never looked back. Can’t stand smell of either now and a recent medical check up has shown his lung function as improved.
If you’re thinking about trying vaping DO IT!
Bought a vape to stop smoking in the car and at work. Found my self using it 24/7 so happy to say much much healthier!
It took a while.

When I bought my first vape I wasn’t entirely convinced, so it sat for a good six months in a draw, I occasionally gave it a puff as I spent some quite some money.
Then one night I had run out of tobacco and everything was closed, I remembered the vape and picked it up, wasn’t entirely convinced but the day after instead of buying cigarettes I bought juice and that opened my eyes to the possibility. It took a good few months to understand my nicotine usage and needs.

Give or take I’d say seven, eight months. But i was a ridiculously heavy smoker averaging a packet of baccy every three days.
Took me a week to fully get off cigarettes. Vaping made that possible when all the nrt and cold turkey methods etc had failed in the past
Was vaping and smoking for about 6 weeks and during this time I was smoking less and less. Ended up having a so
Mike last thing at night and 1 first thing in morning for a few days. I never smoked in the house and the last ciggy was outside in the cold and I thought.......that's it, wanna go back in and vape. Not had a ciggy since. 5 and a bit years later
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