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PPE Acetate Help

I found this part interesting:

Similarly, Jason Aspinall from Vale Visors group in Barry, said his team of five have made 280 visors to date and have orders for another 500 for University Hospital Llandough, UHW, and the Royal Gwent, as well as a multitude of doctors' surgeries, undertakers, and pharmacies.

He said: "Many folk have been using thin acetate, like the stuff used on overhead projectors, thin as paper, completely unsuitable for the face visor.

"The spec calls for 400um or more, which is the spec Vale Visors have been working to, using the approved head band design.

"So while the public making them think they're helping they really do need to understand the practicalities of using a visor with inferior visor part not being fit for purpose.

"The public should be able to help where they can so long as they make the right thing."

Especially the part about the thickness, I have opted for 240 microns which are a whole lot more solid than the normal 100 microns OHP film, my first attempt was using 100 microns and immediately thought 'this isn't good enough' hence my request for 240 microns, the spec may call for more but that is more down to the durability, 240 microns is probably around the limit for this improvised design, the public efforts would benefit from guidance and even support, that article is the first I have seen regarding any specs.

On a brighter note; a record day - just started print No 9 after getting up early :happy guys:
Understand mate - I was in no way trying to piss on your fireworks - I just was hoping you were not going g thru a load of hassle for no reason.
Good find, thanks @ZT

Yeah it would affect me if I was supplying direct to the NHS, the site with the design stated CE approval was pending.

As it stands and the reason I am supplying locally, care homes and mobile carers have nothing and it's a no brainer to use these or nothing, the mobile carers were going to make those DIY foam and elastic versions with 100gsm acetate so were delighted when I offered these.

In 'peacetime' I suspect they would not get approval for the reasons I've stated with the PLA filament not being microscopically solid, making them harder to sanitise.

One thing I have learned from that article is that it would be a good idea to put in a letter with them explaining that they are not CE approved.

I'm not the best person to write something like this so welcome any advice on how to word it, better still anyone willing to word it for me?
If the new acetate comes with protective film like my old stock, I can laser print stickers to go onto each so a short statement would also be useful.
Excellent news as stated before - I wasnt trying to make you down or owt - just thought the info may be valid.
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There may be better offers, but I'm up for the letter if nobody better comes forward. :)

This is a good call Helen.

Definitely Shouldnt be anyone from my company - they would probably just call everyone cunts if recent proceedings are anything to go by.
Excellent news as stated before - I was t trying to make you down or owt - just thought the info may be valid.
Certainly didn't bring me down, any valid info really helps so it's appreciated, I knew they would not be CE approved before I started but needs must as they say.
This is a good call Helen.

Definitely Shouldnt be anyone from my company - they would probably just call everyone cunts if recent proceedings are anything to go by.
I'll put on my best telephony voice...
I was saying to Chris K yesterday morning, I bet there's loads of red tape to get things into the NHS as donations. Like CE markings and MSDS sheets being required. (I was looking at Chinese factories for mass produced visors being nosey on price points)

I'm sorry, I get rules are rules but under exceptional circumstances allowances should be made and rules bent. Some PPE without official paperwork, should be allowed in the circumstances of there is none available.

The amount of rule bending done by the Gov and authorising bodies during the 2012 Olympics was allowed... (Funny how when money is involved things can bend...)

There's probably loads more in the timeline, but that one I'm familiar with as I was involved somewhat in the 2012 Olympics. So my knowledge is there on that rule bending.

Like Gov and SIA allowed for none licensed security so long as they'd been trained and vetted. Hell even the vetting went out the window in the end...

It's silly... Viva la smaller organisations, who can bend rules in times of need. "Oh yes, we need these now. But we cannot do so, let's risk people's lives instead of bending a rule or two."
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