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RDA Cloud chasing advise


Oct 12, 2014
Hi peeps after a bit of advise I've just started playing with this area of vaping and am making progress but now I'm after chasing clouds a bit and was wondering what gauge of kanthal you would recommend and what diameter coil and how many wraps ect would produce the best results I'm using a smok caterpillar RDA and a pioneer for u ipv v2 mod any help greatly appreciated I am using 10/90 juice :)
This thread stickied at the top of the section is generally the best place to start. http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/f...695-cloud-chasing-sub-ohming-for-dummies.html

I am a real novice at this stuff so really not a good person to advise you, but from my experience I would say a good place to start is with a range of kanthal sizes and have a play. Try building a few coils with difference thicknesses and see for yourself how it effects the vape. Try varying the coil diameter, position of the coil and the wicking. These factors can be as important if not more so than any fancy pants coil building. If your coil isn't getting juice you're not going to get clouds. Having been through this process and got to the point where I feel like I have a decent grip on it, the thread above now makes one hell of a lot more sense than it did first time I read it :)
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