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RDA's fused shut from not being used- how to get them apart.

@conanthewarrior where did you find O rings for your derringer by the way? i've got an old clone that i have a lot of affection for. was a stealth vape for aeroplanes on an 18350 paps mech tube mod. loved that set up, even had a little paps holster so i could mount it to my utility belt lol . all fasttech clones but sill treasured today :)
If I am honest I have loads of little bags of O rings that came with each RDA/RTA I have bought over the years, where I bought so many they have piled up and I had some that fit from one of the bags.
Mine are clones too from Fasttech, and I used the copper derringer on a small 18350 copper mod myself as my stealth vape too! No idea what the mod is called I believe it was from fasttech, has a hybrid connection but the mods wall/tube actually continues for about 5MM above this, so the derringer kind of was half inside the mod as well which made it look smaller.

Luckily this didn't block the airflow holes and it was a great little vape, one of my Efest 18350's worked on the charger the other was dead, so I will have to try and do a stealth build- the batteries claim 10.5A and from some research apparently actually use a 14A CDR cell, so it may be one of the rare times Efest actually under rated one of their cells. I still don't trust this though, so won't build below around 0.5ish, so time to get some thinner gauge wire for the stealth builds!

Also nothing wrong with clones mate, I have some that have lasted better than the authentic product when I have owned both!
@conanthewarrior where did you find O rings for your derringer by the way? i've got an old clone that i have a lot of affection for. was a stealth vape for aeroplanes on an 18350 paps mech tube mod. loved that set up, even had a little paps holster so i could mount it to my utility belt lol . all fasttech clones but sill treasured today :)

Details here
If I am honest I have loads of little bags of O rings that came with each RDA/RTA I have bought over the years, where I bought so many they have piled up and I had some that fit from one of the bags.
Mine are clones too from Fasttech, and I used the copper derringer on a small 18350 copper mod myself as my stealth vape too! No idea what the mod is called I believe it was from fasttech, has a hybrid connection but the mods wall/tube actually continues for about 5MM above this, so the derringer kind of was half inside the mod as well which made it look smaller.

Luckily this didn't block the airflow holes and it was a great little vape, one of my Efest 18350's worked on the charger the other was dead, so I will have to try and do a stealth build- the batteries claim 10.5A and from some research apparently actually use a 14A CDR cell, so it may be one of the rare times Efest actually under rated one of their cells. I still don't trust this though, so won't build below around 0.5ish, so time to get some thinner gauge wire for the stealth builds!

Also nothing wrong with clones mate, I have some that have lasted better than the authentic product when I have owned both!

Yeah I’ve got the same collection of bags. Should go through them really I’ve got a clone Dvarw to try and resurrect - bought used and killed the o rings with near boiling water and half a dishwasher tablet trying to sterilise it (old habit from de greasing new clones) . Never got around to it though and haven’t really played with my gen Rose and Evl Reaoer attys yet either - no real need to - really happy with my gen Kayfun primes and 2 back up clones. One day I’ll also get around to getting back ti my gen PAPS tube and the matching atty that the name of escapes me - replaced the spheroid.

Since the demise of FT due to the legislation changes in China I make you right about clones - they’re a piece of history from the golden era of vaping (as old Scrumpox named it) and are basically collectors items in their own right I think
Yeah I’ve got the same collection of bags. Should go through them really I’ve got a clone Dvarw to try and resurrect - bought used and killed the o rings with near boiling water and half a dishwasher tablet trying to sterilise it (old habit from de greasing new clones) . Never got around to it though and haven’t really played with my gen Rose and Evl Reaoer attys yet either - no real need to - really happy with my gen Kayfun primes and 2 back up clones. One day I’ll also get around to getting back ti my gen PAPS tube and the matching atty that the name of escapes me - replaced the spheroid.

Since the demise of FT due to the legislation changes in China I make you right about clones - they’re a piece of history from the golden era of vaping (as old Scrumpox named it) and are basically collectors items in their own right I think
You should be able to find a suitable O ring then if you have a collection of them too!
I never had to degrease my clones, at least not that I remember.
I tried to use my twisted messes today, I think it is authentic as it has a good quality box (thats the only problem buying clones, sometimes you forget what your real stuff is lol) and unfortunately the dual post positive pin is spinning like my vector is as well, only thing is when the positive post turns it allows it to contact the negative post.
I really hope I can sort it out as it is a good RDA, but if it could possibly move in any way and short to the negative I will have to bin it.
I hope you get using you PAPS again soon!

What was the legislation changes in China? I have been gone for a good 4 years or so and only realised it was shut when I came back here. There are still sites like 3Fvape though, but they don't have the amount of clones like they used too.
Maybe they are collectors items now, wouldn't it be funny if a clone mech mod ended up being more sought after than the authentic!
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