See i would argue that the flu being non existent' last year is part of a different discussion that saw many different types of diseases / illnesses and conditions dissapear or greatly reduce within the data that was never really explained other than 'restrictions'. It is all in the data, this time last year other respiratory conditons dropped by hundreds each week. Fast forward 12 months and they are on the rise, but truthfully, they aren't, they are returning to normal because covid is not being attached to the same patients in anywhere near the same level. To some extent, i would argue that Covid has overridden many other things, to the extent of the 'tested postive within 28 days' being the measure over direct result in the data. It kinda ties into what i was saying, focusing on what we are told so to some extent, other things stop being as important. Especially over the last 15 months, a cough is never just a cough anymore, even when it is.
So if the flu will kill more than covid, then that should in theory provoke a reaction similar to covid in the country. You cannot lock a country down for one virus and then not do so for potentially now a more dangerous one, would be literally hypocritical to do so with the aim being to protect lives. In that scenario, would they restrict the country in the name of the flu or would they still peddle the covid story as a means to doing that?
But the bottom line is that before march last year, we never locked down for the flu, didn't wear masks for the flu, didn't even have headline news every single day for it. It was just a part of life, the same way covid will be, or the common cold, or a whole host of viruses. We vaccinate, we medicate and we use common sense to avoid people who are sick. Why does all of this have to change? The common sense was always there before, why has it suddenly been announced to be gone?
I see things differently and re-enforcing the fear of covid even now is potentially dangerous. The vaccine protects against covid and we have put it into 30 million arms fully, starting with the ones who need it most downwards. We have protected the ones who need protecting, and now focusing on the ones who don't need anywhere near as much protection, in the same way as the flu. We are in the end game and yet it still gets presented as the half time show.
This is where masks come in, because if they don't go on monday, they can never go. Because the minute you finish vaccinations, its then the flu, then the winter, then a new strain of covid that means all the vunerable need protecting first with booster jabs and the cycle continues. You cannot honestly pick a point now and say masks are no longer needed because that point will never come. the test numbers will never change, even if vaccinations are done, people will still test positive.