Finally managed to get 1 of my devices to perform as it should, I've realized that they were getting to limit very quickly.
So I've built another coil 8 wraps spaced made sure the spacing was on point , tightened the leads in place properly , glowed the coil from the inside out, got enough cotton but not too much, waited about 10min for resistance to settle and voilà perfect vape at 210c
I've got the second device to it right also, but now I understand when they say when you get it right is worth it.
Thanks guys for all your help [emoji119]
So I've built another coil 8 wraps spaced made sure the spacing was on point , tightened the leads in place properly , glowed the coil from the inside out, got enough cotton but not too much, waited about 10min for resistance to settle and voilà perfect vape at 210c
I've got the second device to it right also, but now I understand when they say when you get it right is worth it.
Thanks guys for all your help [emoji119]