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The Most Dolphin Like Mod Ever....

Penguin, smenguin, pfffftttt......
images (27).jpg
... or one of these in your case maybe >

Oh mate, you dont know how much I wish they were not extinct.
They were shot out by farmers in Tassie who thought they were killing their livestock. They weren't, they were just scavenging what had already died. What a unique and awesome beast the Tassie Tiger was. I live in hope they still survive somehow in the remote areas of good old Van Diemens Land. But alas they say they liked the open grasslands and were easy prey to the gun toting farmers. What a loss. The fights on to save the Tassie Devil from facial tumor. Was looking grim at one stage but they reckon they might have it beat. Another awesome little unique beastie, which I named my staffie after, same colours as one and just as mad. I followed suit :18: or visa versa.
Yes, know of the Thylacine's history. I became mildly obsessed with them after reading The Peripheral by William Gibson.
Supposedly some have been spotted again in deep wilderness, and there is a project to track them / confirm anything.
Maybe we need the Octopuss mod,one with 8 tenticles like the old multihose bongs for them communial vape sessions...
*edit* im not serious we dont,we really really dont.

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i think in my entire life I've been in the sea about 3 times and it's only been up to my knees and still it's Baltic

I think when you live in amongst it the beauty of some places get lost on you as you see it every day and you've been to all the nice bits a hundred times over as a kid

I used to live by the sea in Wales and I never got bored of it. We made a pact to swim in the sea every month of the year. We where irresponsible students!

Yes, know of the Thylacine's history. I became mildly obsessed with them after reading The Peripheral by William Gibson.
Supposedly some have been spotted again in deep wilderness, and there is a project to track them / confirm anything.

I read about this as well. I hope it's true and they are keeping their heads down somewhere!
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