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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

28! 10 wraps 2mm post (not 2.5, correcting myself from earlier) target resistance of 1.5ohms, but came in at 1.46ohms.

I'll try a 6 wrap on a 2.5mm post spaced with a target 1.2ohms instead!
Phew, as someone who has been running 28AWG kanthal on a 2.5mm coil I was sitting here going "10 wraps ...... how the ........."! :D

I do tend to rewick every couple of days, though, as most of my juices are gunkers.
I managed to squeeze in a spaced 10 wrap 28g 316L into the kayfun mini to get the ohms high enough for the eGo One battery to step down. Comes out at .90ohm, but gunks up quick, thinking of using kanthal next and spacing it more to see if it helps.
My theory, for what it is worth, which is undoubtedly very little...............
With the V3 we are talking a smaller capacity. More fills, therefore, gunking up will inevitably happen faster as we keep refilling. Obviously....... the Liquid being used plays its part.
For my part, I find that if I use B-Juice for a day, as an example, the coil will be building up residue pretty quickly, so with my V3 I tend to dry burn and re wick every couple of days just to keep things as flavourful as I like. I'm still on my original coil, though will be replacing soon I guess?
Carol on the other hand, using mainly Fruits, dry burn about every 10 days or so and re wick. But then she does have 3 V3's on rotation, so that lightens the load considerably.

Now my Calixes................. Dry Burn and re wick about every fortnight? All are running coils that have to be at least 8 or 9 weeks old. :)
My theory, for what it is worth, which is undoubtedly very little...............
With the V3 we are talking a smaller capacity. More fills, therefore, gunking up will inevitably happen faster as we keep refilling. Obviously....... the Liquid being used plays its part.
For my part, I find that if I use B-Juice for a day, as an example, the coil will be building up residue pretty quickly, so with my V3 I tend to dry burn and re wick every couple of days just to keep things as flavourful as I like. I'm still on my original coil, though will be replacing soon I guess?
Carol on the other hand, using mainly Fruits, dry burn about every 10 days or so and re wick. But then she does have 3 V3's on rotation, so that lightens the load considerably.

Now my Calixes................. Dry Burn and re wick about every fortnight? All are running coils that have to be at least 8 or 9 weeks old. :)
I wonder if correlation is not necessarily causation. I think you've spotted a trend @Rob but I don't think it's the refilling. More the fact that small Attys have smaller chambers, smaller coils, less wick, all contribute to more heat. I've noticed the same with the Gem, but that has a relatively large tank in relation to its chamber size.

I vape coil junkers: tobaccos and coffee. I'm coming to the conclusion that I'll only use cotton for my non-junking juices. Braspberry Cola Mint, Cheesecake, Cinnamon Danish. Mesh for everything else...
Yes, as per usual, @domejunky has deciphered what I was trying to say.:2thumbsup:

For Tobaccos, which is pretty much my mainstay vape, I have started using Rayon wicking as I find I am getting better life out of that, but predominantly, I too tend to be using Mesh more these days. 5 Calixes are running Mesh and have been for a long while. 2 are Cotton set ups just for when I feel like a change and the Mini V3s are all running Rayon.
Yes, as per usual, @domejunky has deciphered what I was trying to say.:2thumbsup:

For Tobaccos, which is pretty much my mainstay vape, I have started using Rayon wicking as I find I am getting better life out of that, but predominantly, I too tend to be using Mesh more these days. 5 Calixes are running Mesh and have been for a long while. 2 are Cotton set ups just for when I feel like a change and the Mini V3s are all running Rayon.
I've just been through a Rayon phase. I bought half a ton of the 'inferior' ECRU Muji, disappointment drove me to try Rayon, and suddenly I had smooth, dense vape from everything I put it in. I found a thread dismissing the inferiority of ECRU, saying that using the Scottish roll technique worked with it. I'd always dismissed the Scottish roll as obviously anti-physics, but f**k me it works a charm. So slowly I went back to Muji. Then I read about the process involved in making Rayon. It did concern me...not sure I'll go back.
I have to be honest, I'm not convinced by all the arguments against Rayon. Obviously the quality varies greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer but I have no complaints at all with the stuff I am using. I read a diatribe on ECF about it and in the end just got irrationally angry at the ridiculous "Nanny" attitudes being displayed. I think it was Dear Old Qorax who eventually chimed in and just asked one rather pointed question which shut the whole discussion down. He just asked how many of the naysayers had been smokers? The point he made was well thought out.

Anyway.......... I use what I use, nobody has to do the same.;)

Mesh however, wonderful stuff, but then............ I have been personally banging that drum for some 3 years or so anyway.:D
I think we read the same diatribe. I do like Rayon but just had an emotional rather than logical reaction to someone laying out the manufacturing process...
Ok, so here's an example of what I was talking about, so I'm assuming i'm doing something very wrong...

Attached is a picture. This was a 6 wrap spaced 28 gauge Kanthal around a 2.5mm post. Came out at just under 1.2 ohms.


I put the coil on spaced, but as you can see, the spacing has all but vanished. On top of that, look at the color? This is after 1 tank (?!!) of 80vg Element Frost (which isn't even that dark a liquid...). I would expect the coils to darken over time, but is this normal? Didn't get any burnt hits off this time, but still a little concerned?

Was running at 15 watts.

Edit: This is on a paper towel by the way, so the stains are from liquid :P & tagging @Rob and @johnnyace
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