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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

Was only running at 10-13 watts, never above 5 volts. And was using Vampire Vapes Heisenberg High VG, but it's only a 70vg mix and I've used it for 3 weeks with no issue in a Triton Mini 1.8 ohm clapton.

I might have expected to have a few issues with wicking given my inexperience with rbas, but surprised at the coil longevity (or lack there of!)
I would suspect wicking. It's one of the forms of cooling. So even a low wattages you might be frying your juice. I get this a lot with the Gem if I'm not careful...
Was only running at 10-13 watts, never above 5 volts. And was using Vampire Vapes Heisenberg High VG, but it's only a 70vg mix and I've used it for 3 weeks with no issue in a Triton Mini 1.8 ohm clapton.

I might have expected to have a few issues with wicking given my inexperience with rbas, but surprised at the coil longevity (or lack there of!)

Yeah, would think at those wattages they would be fine. Heisenburg is a non gunker too, I was using it in my Mini Goblin for weeks & the coil & week came out sweaky clean

Too much cotton maybe? You do really only need a little in the KF Mini as it's so small. I do the a tad of resistance through the coil with enough to just touch the deck either side then I trim the edges so the juice channels are free
I don't know what coil you're building @mustybadger, but I always build using a Spaced Coil as it is far more forgiving and mine seem to last indefinitely. Wicking would be my suspicion, but again, as has already been suggested, with the V3 in particular, it is a case of "how" you wick it, more than anything else.
You really only want the wick tails to be lightly touching the base of the Juice Wells. Anything more than that and you'll end up with some potential for flooding.
I run my MiniV3 at about 12.5 watts. My Coil is a 2.5mm and I tend to use .30 kanthal, but....... I always build a Spaced Coil. I find that coils pinched together don't do it for me and tend to kill the wicks quickly.
Thanks for the responses guys. I was careful with the wicking, but maybe, at my age, my eyesight isn't quite what it once was so was a little difficult to see exactly where the wick ends were sitting.

Perhaps I'll try a spaced coil, not sure how to calculate the resistance of that though? I'm using steam engine at the moment.

Im currently using a 10 wrap 28 gauge kanthal no spacing, so maybe that's the issue. Also, given the fact that the coil is only a 2.5mm inner diameter maybe cotton bacon is overkill and I need a slightly less "fluffy" cotton?

I'll see if I can post up a picture of my build tomorrow and see what you guys think
Spacing will have the same resistance, same thickness, same wraps, same amount & mass of wire, so no worries there :thumbup:
Awesome, not sure how I'll fit a 10 wrap spaced on there though! Will have to buy some 30 gauge I guess!

Thanks again for the help
Christ alive......... 10 wraps?? What on earth gauge wire are you using?:S
28! 10 wraps 2mm post (not 2.5, correcting myself from earlier) target resistance of 1.5ohms, but came in at 1.46ohms.

I'll try a 6 wrap on a 2.5mm post spaced with a target 1.2ohms instead!
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