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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

It does seem to go through the juice tbh, I think I've refilled 3 times today but it does only have a 2.5ml capacity, I don't think you'd get through 30mls a day in it though for sure

Flavour is very good, not quite KF Mini levels but then again, I've not experimented with it much

look forward to getting it, gonna rock it on my rx so at 20-25 watts should last me days[emoji23]
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It does seem to go through the juice tbh, I think I've refilled 3 times today but it does only have a 2.5ml capacity, I don't think you'd get through 30mls a day in it though for sure

Flavour is very good, not quite KF Mini levels but then again, I've not experimented with it much
Sorry mate easily distracted.
To be honest, it's a good review to watch. Phil always goes on a bit so I normally stick his reviews playing on a tablet when I'm in the bath. Frikin multitasking eh.
Anyway he,is a massive fan and advocate of kaufuns and mtl. And he found that even at its tightest draw it was far to airy for a mtl draw. And opened up at had more draw than a lot of sub tanks. He spoke to s,m and they confirmed they had made it for those who like a very airy draw or direct lung hit.,There may be a converter coming to allow you to use it like the old kayfuns ie a tighter draw.
Just ordered one of the,screw top glass nano tanks for the taifun gt 2 brings down the height a bit and is top fill.
Expect an update in two weeks..ft.
ive just ordered a couple of kayfuns for a bit of a change and to lower juice consumption, so after a bit of a skip through this thread
ive ordered a kayfun v3 mini with the ss 4.2ml section and a v4 with the sub ohm kit.
My main reason though is after acquiring a nauty on here for a friend which I tried out first with a little rough tasting diy juice
and low and behold said juice wasn't actually rough at all, I throw away far too much juice and im just beginning to think maybe some
flavours just don't like high watts/temps so to test my theory the kayfuns are on the way and quite looking forward to some new shiny tanks.
its been maybe 2 years since I owned a taifun which ill admit I wasn't that impressed with at the time but my building skills have improved
since then and so has the options in wire so cant wait to throw some ss/ti in them, hoping the v4 going to arrive in the morning.
Has anyone tried the sub ohm kit for the v4 was it worth the £3?
No guys not that one, this one.
SKU 3923800
Not techy so can't do a link but this will get you there. Looks good.

Oh, was gonna link that one, have both on my Wishlist, will have to let us know how you get on with it Kid
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