I make my own when I am at home and use *normal* sigs when working. At home I manage to vape and have only 6 or seven of my homemade rollies, they are normal strength I would say. At work I can't vape and have to go outside and end up smoking more than at home. I have tried to vape outside but it isn't enough, need more than that. I vape 18 mg, when I go higher I start coughing like mad. Also I have sneaky suspicion that I maybe seriously addicted to all the other crap in sigarettes/rollies not just the nicotine.
You have a very good point about being addicted to the other crap in the fags, it's part of it and though switching to vaping seemed very easy to me there was for quite a while that little nagging going on that I put down to that. In my case not enough to make me want to go back to the fags but it was still there. Can't do much about that other than try to assure you it does fade in time.
At a very rough guess I'd say at 18mg juice you'd need to be vaping around 5ml a day purely to replace your nicotine intake, don't worry if it's more though just vape as much as you want, it tends to find it's own level as you settle into it. The trouble is with a basic clearo on a fixed voltage ego it would take some doing to get through that amount and you'd have to be sucking on the thing almost all day which obviously you can't when your at work. To get that quick hard hit that your fags give you during a smoke break, soon to be vape break hopefully, your going to need more power, doesn't need to be crazy power but more than you have at the minute, and an atty capable of taking it.
That's going to be the tricky bit with so much choice out there. You've said your not a tinkerer so you'll probably think the rebuildable tanks and drippers are out but to be honest once your used to them they aren't really much more hassle, if any, than a lot of the gear with replaceable heads. Once you have a coil in one that coil can last for a good while with only replacing the wicking fairly often, the advantage to that is you don't need to make sure you've got a constant supply of new heads for your chosen atty. Another option, though a bit more limited on the amount of power you can throw at them is a tank with a Nature Vape coil in it. This is a replaceable head of sorts but one that you can rewick as often as needed and can last for months.
Depending on what your work is a dripper could be an option, much easier to set up with coil and wick and can become part of a ritual for your vape break. Just drip what you need for that vape break get your fix and your done. They can be a bit leaky but you get the hang of them and it's nothing that a bit of tissue or the inside of your jumper can't handle. The leaking doesn't cause the same sort of problems that it can with tanks either. The advantage here is you can throw as much power at these as you want when you've worked them out.
There are loads of replaceable head type tanks out there and if your current tank is I'm guessing some type of ce4 at around 8W most of them you will see an improvement on. An Aspire Nautilus tops out at about 15W then there's the subtanks which are only just starting at 15W and will go up much higher than that on either a sub ohm coil or 1.2ohm coil on the right mod. Just be sure to ask the right questions and know what your doing before attempting anything subohm.
You really need to have a better idea of what sort of atty your going to try out first before you can decide what sort of battery or mod you'll want to go with it.
Have you set yourself a vaping budget? One of the best things I did starting out was setting up a bank account into which I put what I would have spent on fags each week by standing order. After that any fags I bought, I intended to duel fuel for a while but didn't end up buying any more after the first week, and any vaping purchases get paid for from that account. It worked well as I was getting into vaping, seeing what I was saving right from the start and being able to spend some of that, alright a lot of that, on vaping gear so I didn't have to feel guilty about what I spent on it. I'm single so why I'd have to feel guilty I don't know but it worked for me. The only way to find what works for you is to try out different things and try not to make to many buying mistakes on the way. At 30 smokes a day, even with a mix of straights and rollies, you must be at around 50 quid a week. 50 quid a week goes a long way with vaping, with a few wise purchases it might take you a while but once you've built your self up some nice vape gear you'll be quids in, surrounded by lots of shiny things, some more useful than others, and feeling a lot better.
Good luck with your mission, I'm sure you'll find your place given time.