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Understanding TC - Help


Sep 14, 2016
Hi all,
I'm currently using a Smok Alien and the OBS Engine tank and have a basic set up of 24g kanthal 9 / 10 wraps and its giving me around 0.46ohms.
I would like to use the TC function and need some help on a simple build as I liked it when I used my Coolfire iv TC100.
I have read loads of threads and alot went over my head as there are some very clever people out there and they start simple but then delve into all sorts of calculations TCR values and so forth.
What I've gathered is for SS (or any other wire) there is a lower limit where TC will not work. That is great as I want to stay between 0.5ohms and 1ohm, but then started to read things about dual coils not being great on TC. Oh man!!
My question is, can someone tell me if SS316L ribbon 0.5mm x 0.1mm 7 / 8 wraps per coil will be ok for TC with dual coil?
Oh and what would the TCR number be as I can adjust this on the mod.??
Have you tried steam-engine.org? It has a calc which allows you to input coil type, diameters, wire etc and then tells you the expected resistance. Worth having a play around
By the way, let me know how you get on. As you know, I have the alien, I've just taken delivery of some ss316 and I'm waiting on an OBS engine. Near identical setup!
but then started to read things about dual coils not being great on TC. Oh man!!
Dual coils work fine and dandy for TC.

My question is, can someone tell me if SS316L ribbon 0.5mm x 0.1mm 7 / 8 wraps per coil will be ok for TC with dual coil?
Oh and what would the TCR number be as I can adjust this on the mod.??
I've never used ribbon wire for TC but in theory it should be fine. TC works best with spaced coils however, so best to keep that in mind. Not sure how easy or difficult that will be with ribbon wire. The TCR of 316L is 879 x 10 to the minus 6.
I'll be interested to hear how anyone gets on with TC using the Alien as I'm an exclusively TC vaper but have found the Alien to be so poor at TC as to be all but unusable.
Dual coils work fine and dandy for TC.

I've never used ribbon wire for TC but in theory it should be fine. TC works best with spaced coils however, so best to keep that in mind. Not sure how easy or difficult that will be with ribbon wire. The TCR of 316L is 879 x 10 to the minus 6.
I'll be interested to hear how anyone gets on with TC using the Alien as I'm an exclusively TC vaper but have found the Alien to be so poor at TC as to be all but unusable.

I just like the idea of ribbon wire- looks kinds cool!!
So when steam engine say the TCR is 879 x 10 to the minus 6 how does that translate into a TCR value ie SS304 is 0.00105 or something? Then in theory I can input that value into the mod and should be ok?
Also what have you tried on the alien coil wise for tc?
I input my current build and then a build I would like...
1st my current build
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1478549166.258518.jpg

My proposed build...
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1478549200.979112.jpg

I am not fully clued up on the Heat flux number? Please if someone can explain in simple terms what this means? (This changes if you up the wattage)
Then theres the heat capacity. The 24g kanthal at 176 mj/k and SS at 34 mj/k. I am hoping this would mean I need less power for the SS build to work so hopefully longer between charges?
If this is wrong please correct me.
OK, Heat Flux is how much heat flows from the wires surface and Heat capacity is an indication of "Ramp Up" time or more precisely - how much heat the wire can hold - lower numbers mean faster ramp up
I just like the idea of ribbon wire- looks kinds cool!!
So when steam engine say the TCR is 879 x 10 to the minus 6 how does that translate into a TCR value ie SS304 is 0.00105 or something? Then in theory I can input that value into the mod and should be ok?
Also what have you tried on the alien coil wise for tc?
879 x 10 to the -6 means you mave the decimal point 6 places left - so 879 becomes 0.000879
879 x 10 to the -6 means you mave the decimal point 6 places left - so 879 becomes 0.000879

Ok thanks. So in theory if I set my mod to TCR 0.000879 it should work fine? Why is SS316 rated at a TCR of 0.000092.
You guys are awesome on here...
Ok thanks. So in theory if I set my mod to TCR 0.000879 it should work fine? Why is SS316 rated at a TCR of 0.000092.
You guys are awesome on here...
Where does it say that SS316 is 0.000092? - according to steam engine its 0.000880...
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